The Foundation

Member organisations

The iSocial Foundation has 19 member organisations of Catalonia and the Basque country. All of them have a long history and prestige in the social services sector and are characterized by their constant effort for innovation and continuous improvement.

ADB Associació Benestar i Desenvolupament

The Welfare and Development Association (ABD) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that protects people in a situation of social fragility. For more than 30 years it has been accompanying this people, either individually or as group, at different times in their life trajectories, and acting in the community. It serves 90,000 people annually.


AMPANS is a foundation born in Bages, province of Barcelona, that since 1965 works to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities, generating opportunities that promote their maximum autonomy and inclusion in society. It accompanies and supports more than 2,200 people every year in special education, training, work, day care, therapeutic employment, residential shelter, leisure, sport and guardianship.

Grup Atra

ATRA Group is a group of non-profit organizations that work within social services and health sector. It offers attention and treatment to people with addictive behavior, people with mental illness, and people at risk of social exclusion. More than 29,000 people have received attention and treatment during the group’s 30-year career thanks to the work of a large team of professionals in the field of health and social education.

FIBS - Fundació Família i Benestar Social

The Family and Social Welfare Foundation is a private, non-profit organization that has been working for people of all ages since 1987, in order to make possible its life project through the access to affordable housing and the provision of services for the elderly. Since 1993, it has built more than 3,000 social housing units in more than 50 municipalities throughout Catalonia.

The Joia Foundation is a non-profit organization born more than 30 years ago that offers insertion services in mental health through 11 locations in five districts of the city of Barcelona. It attends nearly 2,000 people annually, offering successful itineraries by analyzing their capabilities and their requests, and generating opportunities for social inclusion in the community, as well as jobs within and outside the protected market.

SUPPORT is an independent, non-profit foundation established in 2003 whose main objective is to defend, promote and develop Human Rights of people with disabilities (psychosocial disabilities, cognitive impairment related to the ageing process and intellectual disabilities), whilst enabling individuals to pursue their well-being, ensure their dignity and preserve their autonomy through legal protection and social support. SUPPORT’s activities are developed within the framework provided by the legal mechanisms ingrained in the Catalan Civil Code, either from voluntary designation of an individual or appointed directly by a court ordern which currently…

FCSD Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down

The Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation (FCSD) is an organization born in 1984 on the initiative of Montserrat Trueta and other parents and professionals, with the aim of delving into Down Syndrome (DS) through research and practical experience in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, medicine, and the social area. The pioneering character of the Foundation constitutes it in point of national and international reference.

Fundació R3silis

The Resilis Foundation is a Girona-based entity born in 2006 that specializes in the management and development of projects, programs and services for the care of children and young people in a situation of exclusion, risk or serious difficulties. It currently has services and centers throughout Catalonia, and is linked to the Plataforma Educativa group.


Sant Pere Claver Serveis Socials is a foundation of the Sant Pere Claver Group, created in 2011 to promote and strengthen the Group’s activity in the social sector. Manages residential services, day centers and community services (support for autonomy in the home, inclusion housing, support for youngsters after guardianship, social club, legal defense of the mentally ill, etc.)

Fundació Idea

Fundació IDEA is an entity from Sabadell founded in 1985 that acts in the field of education in leisure, unruled youth training and the protection of minors. In 2020, a total of 6,327 children, teenagers and youth benefited from their socio-educative services and programs in Catalonia, through 218 professionals.

Fundació El Maresme Discapacitats

The Maresme Foundation has promoted the social inclusion and the improvement of the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities and their families, in the Maresme region, for more than 50 years. It accompanies and supports more than 2,800 people every year through a wide network of services and centers.

The Federation of associations of relatives of Alzheimer’s patients of Catalonia groups 20 entities that support relatives of dementia patients. Alzheimer’s now affects about 10% of the population over 65 and is the chronic disease that causes more dependency.

Agintzari is a social initiative cooperative with more than 40 years of experience, and forms the BOGAN group together with the Zabalduz and Hirube cooperatives, which has more than 700 professionals in the Basque Country and Navarre. It operates in the field of social intervention, and related systems, such as education and social health, working on the implementation of innovative proposals and the management of quality services aimed at overcoming the social needs of people and groups in difficulty.

The Alba Group is made up of six organisations: the Alba Association, the Lleure Qualia Cooperative, the Alba Jussà Cooperative, the Alba Futur Foundation, the Alba Sports Club and the Alba Inserció company. Its origins go back to 1975 in the city of Tàrrega, where today it still has its main headquarters. The group’s social services benefit 3,891 people, mainly in the counties of Urgell, La Segarra and Pallars Jussà. It has 585 professionals, of which 79 are disabled, 495 members and 341 volunteers.

Social entity with more than 35 years of experience, which serves more than 35,000 people and has nearly 2,000 professionals and 195 services in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Madrid. It is made up of the Intress Association, the Intress Foundation and the Gira-sol Association. It acts in the fields of childhood and family, gender equality, mental health, the elderly, disability, young people, socio-labor inclusion, justice and work in the community, and guardianships. It also carries out psycho-social and community rehabilitation through radio programs.

Social housing manager promoted from the third sector that works with Social Entities and Public Administrations to guarantee the right to decent housing for people in vulnerable situations. Born in 2014 at the initiative of the Table of Entities of the Third Social Sector of Catalonia and 8 other federations and entities in the sector. It is the reference institution for the management of social housing in Catalonia, with a stock of nearly 1,000 homes.

Logo Grupo Servicios Sociales Integrados

Grupo Servicios Sociales Integrados is a cooperative with over 35 years of experience, comprising social initiative and public benefit companies dedicated to addressing the social needs of people in situations of social vulnerability and dependency in the Basque Country, with a special focus on the aging ecosystem. Its two main areas of work are providing care for people in situations of dependency within the home and supporting those facing social vulnerability.

Educational Resources for Children at Risk (REIR, in its Catalan acronym) is a non-profit organization founded in 2007 by a group of professionals in the field of social education and the third sector. Operating in nearly 20 municipalities, it serves an average of 5,000 people each year. With a multidisciplinary approach, its projects and actions aim to improve the situation of groups at risk of social exclusion and vulnerability, primarily focusing on children.

The ASPACE Catalunya Foundation, founded in 1961 by a group of parents of children with cerebral palsy, is a pioneering entity in the care of people with cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities. It offers comprehensive and specialized care throughout life, with an interdisciplinary model that includes neurorehabilitation, education, and family support. With over 60 years of experience, ASPACE Catalunya is a leading reference in the field of neurodevelopment and multiple disabilities in Catalonia.