
Research projects

We promote studies and research activities in collaboration with universities that provide useful knowledge to the social action sector in order to identify challenges, trends, solutions and opportunities for innovation.



Care4Skills is a European Erasmus+ collaborative project aimed at addressing the training needs in Long-Term Care and establishing a European training strategy with common curricula.
Guide to Digital Transformation: A Vision from the Children’s Social Sector

Guide to Digital Transformation: A Vision from the Children’s Social Sector

La Fundació iSocial ha elaborat per a FICE Spain un informe sobre l’estat de la innovació en l’àmbit de la intervenció social i un recull de bones pràctiques per a la transformació digital
Prevention of children institutionalization

Prevention of children institutionalization

Design for UNICEF-Spain of a public system of community detection and early intervention in children at risk
Digital transformation of Basic Social Services

Digital transformation of Basic Social Services

Doctoral thesis on the challenge of the digital transformation of the Basic Areas of Social Services of Catalonia.


Exchange of good practices in the use of technological tools for the socio-labour inclusion of young people with mental or emotional health problems.


Evaluation of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in the residential sector of Catalonia and proposals to improve the healthcare model.


Prospective study about the Covid-19 impact on the local Social Services in Catalonia.


Study about the impact of Covid-19 on youth employment and social inequalities in young people.