The Foundation

Board of Trustees

Members of the Board of Trustees of the iSocial Foundation.

Montse Cervera

Montse Cervera

Chairwoman. Representative of the Fundació AMPANS

Economist. Lecturer and director of the Department of Applied Economics of the University of Lleida (UdL). Member of the research group, he conducts research into the behaviour of the young people’s job market. Secretary General of the Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya [Inter-University Council of Catalonia] (2006-2008). Member of the Parliament of Catalonia (2008-2010).

Pilar Rodríguez

Pilar Rodríguez

Representative of ABD (Associació i Fundació Benestar i Desenvolupament)

Social worker and expert in healthcare services, bioethics and human rights. Director of the User Attention Unit of an ICS hospital for 14 years. Since 2001 she has been Assistant to Management and Director of the ABD’s (Associació i Fundació Benestar i Desenvolupament) Social and Health Operating Unit.

Josep Maria Solé

Josep Maria Solé

Secretary. Representative of SUPPORT-Girona Foundation

Lawyer. Director of SUPPORT-Girona Foundation. Trustee and Chairman of the Social Council of the Fundació Institut Guttman. Vice-Chairman of the Fundació DRISSA. Vice-Chairman of the Fundació Campus Arnau d’Escala. Member of the Governing Board of the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD).

Enric Arqués

Enric Arqués

Voting member. Representative of the Fundació JOIA

Psychologist and family therapist. Co-director of the Fundació JOIA. Chairman of the Fòrum d’Iniciatives assistencials i de gestió en Salut Mental i Addiccions [Forum for Care and Management Initiatives in Mental Health and Addictions] in Catalonia. Secretary of the Obertament Association for the fight against stigma. Vice-Chairman of the Fundació Habitat 3. Voting member of the Board of the Taula del Tercer Sector Social de Catalunya [Panel of the Third Social Sector of Catalonia]. Voting member of the Board of La Unió-associació d’entitats sanitàries i socials [Union-Association of health and social organisations].

Jordi Pascual

Jordi Pascual

Voting member. Resilis Foundation representative.

Social Educator, with training in social action and higher studies in Management and Administration of Social and Cooperative Enterprises. Since 2006, General Director of the network of organizations Plataforma Educativa, which includes Resilis Foundation and other complementary entities of social and non-profit initiative that dedicate their activity and resources to the care and services of people in a situation of exclusion or risk of suffering from it.

Joan-Artur Sales

Joan-Artur Sales

Voting member. ATRA Group representative

Clinical and community psychologist, expert in community mental health and addictive behaviours. Co-director of the ATRA Group. Vice-Chairman of the Coordinadora de Comunitats Terapèutiques per a Drogodependents de Catalunya [Therapeutic Communities Coordinator for Drug-addicts of Catalonia].

Alfons M. Thió

Alfons M. Thió

Voting member. Representative of the Fundació Família i Benestar Social

Industrial Engineer from the UPC and MED from the IESE. With long-standing experience in managerial positions in industrial companies. Since 2004 he has been the Manager of the Fundació Família i Benestar Social, an organisation engaged mainly in the development and management of social housing.

Katy Trias

Katy Trias

Voting member. Representative of the Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation (FCSD)

Diploma in Teaching, Business Organization and Management, and Marketing. She is the General Director of the Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation (FCSD).