

We publish a quarterly newsletter, a bimonthly bulletin of internal news for member organisations, press releases and short news items to inform about the Foundation’s activities.

Four Working Groups Launched to Drive Innovation in Social Action

Four Working Groups Launched to Drive Innovation in Social Action

More than 30 professionals from 14 member organizations of iSocial are participating in the four working groups on self-directed supports, independent living, digital inclusion, and deinstitutionalization.
Reunió inaugural 2a Crida del HISS: Presentació Nidus Desinstitucionalitzacio

El proyecto NIDUS Desinstitucionalización, seleccionado en la 2ª Llamada del HISS sobre el reto Alternativas Comunitarias a la Desinstitucionalización

El nuevo piloto aplicará la herramienta NIDUS para acompañar a personas con trastornos mentales graves en el proceso de desinstitucionalización
La Confederación ASPACE, nueva entidad miembro de iSocial

ASPACE Catalunya, new member of iSocial

ASPACE, an organization specialized in supporting people with cerebral palsy, becomes the 19th member of the Foundation
Montferrer i Castellbò integrates healthcare professionals into the Vincles project

Montferrer i Castellbò integrates healthcare professionals into the Vincles project

The training is part of a pilot project aimed at integrating the healthcare system into the Vincles project
Trobada Solidigital Andorra

Solidigital’s Second Project Meeting Takes Place in Andorra

The seven partner organizations of the European project gather in Andorra to coordinate Solidigital’s deployment plan.
Vincles Alt Urgell

iSocial meets with the 19 Mayors of Alt Urgell to present the Vincles project

Last Wednesday, July 24, we met with nineteen municipal representatives from the Alt Urgell region to explain the Vincles project.
REIR, nova entitat membre de iSocial

REIR joins as a new member of the iSocial Foundation

The iSocial board has approved the incorporation of REIR (Resources for Children at Risk), a social intervention organization that operates mainly in the Vallès Oriental region, as a new member of the Foundation.
Grupo Servicio Sociales

The iSocial Foundation welcomes Grupo SSI as a new member organisation

Grupo Servicios Sociales Integrados (SSI) is a Basque cooperative dedicated to improving the quality of life of people in vulnerable situations.
Josep Maria Solé pren el relleu de Montse Cervera com a president

Change in Presidency: Josep Maria Solé Takes Over from Montse Cervera

Montse Cervera, President of iSocial since the foundation’s creation, steps down to make way for Josep Maria Solé.
Rehab-Lab meeting in Liège

iSocial and CIM-UPC Participate in the Annual Rehab-Lab Network Meeting in Belgium

A total of 55 entities from the Rehab-Lab network gathered in Liège to share their knowledge and experiences

iSocial participates in the kick-off meeting of the Care4Skills project in Brussels

Last Thursday, May 23rd, we attended the kick-off meeting of the Care4Skills project in Brussels, organized by the EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities), the entity leading the initiative.
Arranquen els tallers participatius de

The participatory workshops of the All By Myself project begin

This May, we inaugurated the first participatory workshops included in the research process of the All By Myself project, coordinated by the iSocial Foundation and supported by the Department of Social Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

23 social entities have been trained to use Flapp! and Nidus

Flapp! and Nidus, the two virtual safes created by the iSocial Foundation in collaboration with Pere Claver Group, are consolidating with the training offered so far to 23 entities.
I Jornada Serveis Socials

The iSocial Foundation participates in the First Social Services Conference

iSocial has presented Nidus, a digital tool to support people experiencing homelessness, promoted jointly with the Pere Claver Group
Vincles Caixaforum Lleida

iSocial presents Vincles at the Caixaforum in Lleida

Vincles, an initiative aimed at combating unwanted loneliness, is part of the projects approved by the La Caixa Foundation in the 2024 call.