Núria Ambrós
Expert in Self-directed Support
Degree in psychology, diploma in teaching, social education and learning management in organizations, and master’s degree in integration of people with intellectual disabilities. For the last ten years, he has specialized in training, advising and accompanying third sector entities throughout Spain in the implementation of person-centered practices.

Pilar Cañabate
Expert in aging and dementia
PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology and Master in Bioethics and Law. Since 1998, he has been part of the diagnostic team at the ACE memory clinic and accompanies families throughout the illness. His scientific interest focuses on the study of the factors that influence the well-being of the caregiver and the person with dementia, the structure of care, the
relationship between dementia and gender and ethical and legal aspects.

Lluís Casado
Expert in organization management
Degree in Economic Sciences and Psychology, and diploma in Organizational Development. Trainer, consultant and coach specialized in organizational behavior: change management, innovation, conflict, personal and team development. He has years of experience in the training and supervision of Social Services teams in several municipalities.

Elisabet Demonjó
E-administration expert
Diploma in Business Sciences and postgraduate in Financial Management. She has worked as coordinator of the dependency and disability assessment service in the counties of Garrotxa, Ripollès, Pla de l’Estany, Selva and Cerdanya. She is currently in charge of quality, processes and data analysis for the Social Action Consortium of la Garrotxa. She is a trainer in electronic administration processes and social management tools.

Iolanda Domingo
Expert in digital transformation
Graduate in Social Work. Master’s in Health Social Work and Master’s in Innovation in Social and Educational Intervention. With 21 years of professional experience in the field of mental health as a case manager in the Pere Mata Institut in Reus. Currently involved as a researcher in two projects at URV: FEMMINOR (Needs and rights of the daughters and sons of femicide) and DIGITALISSB (Digitalization of Basic Social Services) in collaboration with the iSocial Foundation. She is pursuing a doctoral thesis on the Digital Transformation of Basic Social Services at URV, where she also works as an associate professor.

Núria Fustier
Expert in social services
PhD in Social Work and Degree in Law, professor at the School of Social Work at the University of Barcelona. With 25 years of experience in Social Services: director of the Social Services of Santa Coloma de Gramenet; evaluation and planning at the Provincial Council of Barcelona (Municipal Comparison Circles); and member of the team of the 1st Strategic Plan for Social Services of Catalonia.

Guy Giménez
Expert in change management
Diploma in Business Management, Human Resources and Consulting and Graduated in “Integral Organizational Leadership”. Professional and researcher in the development of individual skills and collective intelligence, and management of change in organizations, leadership and coaching.

Víctor Guerrero
Expert in digital communication
Degree in Journalism and with more than ten years of experience in Social Media and Digital Marketing. He has worked at the Catalan Radio and Television Corporation and the Hispanetwork agency. Since 2017, he has been working at Zinkdo, where he manages the online communication of companies and the monitoring of brands.

Marta Llobet
Expert in homelessness
PhD in Sociology, Degree in Political Science and Sociology and Diploma in Social Work, associate professor in the Social Work Degree and in several master’s degrees at the UB and other universities. He has coordinated the evaluative research of the Housing First Program promoted by Barcelona City Council and focused on people experiencing homelessness and severe social exclusion.

Clàudia Manyà
Expert in community work
Studies in Social Education and Master’s in Women’s, Gender and Citizenship Studies. She is currently a social consultant dedicated personally and professionally to collective self-organization processes (professional and community). It carries out research applied to Social Services and Community Action.

Francesc Oliveras
Expert in information technologies
Degree in computer science and master’s degree in eBusiness. He was general director of CATCert (Catalan Certification Agency) and is currently an ICT consultant in Social Services, Electronic Administration and security and electronic signature services. He is a lecturer in the field of Social Services information systems and electronic administration at various universities and institutions.

Núria Palomares
Expert in digital communication
Degree in Business Sciences, Marketing and Public Relations with postgraduate degrees in High specialization in Management Techniques and with mention in Social Media and Digital Marketing. He currently develops digital strategy and community management at Zinkdo.

Anna Rodera
Expert in Self-directed Support
Doctor in education and technology, professor at the UOC, specialist in the dynamism and support of innovation processes in organizations, with more than twenty years of experience in training and advising institutions in Catalonia and Latin America.

Chus Rodríguez
Expert in feminism
Degree in psychology, psychopedagogy and graduate in social work. Master’s degree in male abuse and violence, and master’s degree in legal and forensic psychology. Director of the Intervention Service specialized in male violence in the Baix Llobregat, managed by ABD (Association Benestar i Desenvolupament).

David Rodríguez
Expert in childhood and adolescence
Social worker, skilled as a social educator and trained in therapy and systemic family intervention. Member of the Board of the Official College of Social Work of Catalonia. For more than 30 years he has been working with children, adolescents and young people in vulnerable situations. Founding member of the MAIN, IDEA and EVEHO foundations. Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona.