2nd Annual Meeting of the DigitaliSSB Project in Tarragona

Publications News

2nd Annual Meeting of the DigitaliSSB Project in Tarragona

II Trobada anual del projecte DigitaliSSB

We presented the new Dashboards and the new meSocial app at a gathering with representatives from the 18 Basic Social Services Areas involved in the DigitaliSSB project.

This Wednesday, November 20, the 2nd Annual Meeting of DigitaliSSB 2023-2025 took place in the Sala de Graus at the Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona.

DigitaliSSB is a project led by the iSocial Foundation, in partnership with the URV Foundation and the Grífols Foundation, aimed at driving the digital transformation of Basic Social Services in Catalonia.

The meeting was attended by representatives from the 18 municipal and regional Basic Social Services Areas participating in the project: Tarragona City Council, Lleida City Council, Girona City Council, Reus City Council, Manresa City Council, Amposta City Council, Calafell City Council, Banyoles City Council, the Garrotxa Social Action Consortium, the Vallès Oriental Regional Council, La Plana Intermunicipal Association, the Noguera Regional Council, the Pla d’Urgell Regional Council, the Pallars Jussà Regional Council, the Pallars Sobirà Regional Council, the Alt Penedès Regional Council, the Alt Camp Regional Council, and the Ribera d’Ebre Regional Council.

The event was opened by Dr. Victòria Forns from URV, Toni Codina, director of the iSocial Foundation, and Núria Terribas, director of the Grífols Foundation. Following the opening remarks, project director Francesc Oliveras and IT specialist Lluís Gallart jointly presented the new Dashboards developed for 12 Basic Areas since the last project meeting, held online in June. They also announced that next year, training sessions on Power BI will be offered to these areas, enabling them to independently manage the Dashboards now available to them.

After a break, Oriol Janer, a technician from iSocial, presented the new meSocial app, which was developed throughout 2024 and will begin pilot testing in January 2025 with several of the project’s Basic Areas. During the presentation, he showcased the app’s features one by one, projected on a mobile screen in the room. These features include appointment scheduling, document management, a messaging system, a calendar, reminders and notifications, a resource and service map, an emergency button, and a complaints channel. The new app is already available for Social Services users on Android and iOS mobile platforms, as well as a web version for desktops. Meanwhile, professionals in the Basic Areas will have access to a back-end user management application called iSocial PRO.

Finally, Francesc Oliveras explained that an agreement has been reached with the Department of Social Rights of the Generalitat to integrate the meSocial appointment scheduling system with the Generalitat’s new w-Social information system as soon as its scheduling functionality becomes operational.


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