We convene a quarterly co-creation space with our member entities and other stakeholders, in which we analyse complex challenges in the sector and seek innovative solutions through experimentation environments and real test beds that put people at the centre while integrating and activating all the agents of the innovation ecosystem.
What are InnoLabs?
Open innovation activities in social services, in which:
- We identify challenges for transformation and improvement in the sector today.
- We connect all public and private agents (4-helix) related to a challenge.
- We provide methodology and facilitation to find innovative solutions.
- We co-create and co-design with the active participation of end-users.
- We prototype and develop new products and services.
- We evaluate and validate them in a real environment.
- We implement and scale them
Ingredients of InnoLabs
- Connection between end users, third sector, administrations, universities and companies.
- Analysis of existing experiences in other territories
- Co-creation, co-design and implementation methods
- Expertise in design, development and testing of innovative solutions
- Expertise in accessing competitive sources of finance
- Training of professionals
- Organisational accompaniment to change management
Periodicity of InnoLabs
We organise at least three InnoLabs each year with our member organisations around specific challenges that we have identified and agreed upon in advance.
Several of the transformative projects that we are currently prototyping, developing or evaluating have emerged from our InnoLabs.
Other open innovation spaces
In addition, we participate in two co-creation spaces promoted jointly with other organisations: