‘Digitalitza’t’, project by the Sargim Foundation, wins the Social Integration through Digitalization Award

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‘Digitalitza’t’, project by the Sargim Foundation, wins the Social Integration through Digitalization Award

La Fundació Sargim recull el Premi a la Integració Social a través de la Digitalització de la mà del president de la Fundació iSocial

The award, part of the Digital Innovation Awards of Catalonia – GrausTIC, recognizes the Digitalitza’t initiative for its efforts to bridge the digital divide and promote community empowerment.

The Digitalitza’t project, led by the Sargim Foundation, has been recognized at the Digital Innovation Awards of Catalonia – GrausTIC in the category “Social Integration through Digitalization,” sponsored by the iSocial Foundation. This recognition, awarded on November 14 during the GrausTIC 2024 conference, highlights the initiative’s value in addressing the digital divide and fostering inclusion and social integration.

Digitalitza’t is a community-focused digital support service tackling two critical social challenges: improving employability for at-risk youth and addressing the digital disconnection of citizens with limited technological knowledge or resources. Using a participatory and inclusive metodology, young participants in the project are trained by the Sargim Foundation to act as digital agents, assisting community members with online processes.

By gaining firsthand knowledge of the needs in their neighborhoods, these young digital agents can better identify existing challenges and, when necessary, create supportive digital content and micro-training sessions that enhance the digital literacy of neighbors who need it.

In this way, Digitalitza’t not only empowers citizens but also provides growth and job opportunities for at-risk youth. Through training and participation in the initiative, these young people become positive role models within their communities.

The project offers free, walk-in services at various strategic locations, including municipal markets and a mobile office housed in a converted shipping container.

Digitalitza’t is driven by the Les Planes-Blocs Florida Integral Plan from the City Council of L’Hospitalet, the Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation, and managed by the Sargim Foundation. In addition to winning the Social Integration through Digital Technology Award, the project has received other honors, such as the 2024 Go!ODS Award and the Best Social Transformation and Community Impact Project Award from the Third Sector Confederation.

Recognizing social innovation

The award, granted by GrausTIC and iSocial, underscores Digitalitza’t’s efforts to reduce the digital divide and promote active digital citizenship, with a focus on vulnerable groups.

El galardón otorgado por GrausTIC e iSocial destaca el esfuerzo de Digitalitza’t por reducir la brecha digital y fomentar una ciudadanía digital activa, poniendo énfasis en los colectivos vulnerables.

The Social Integration through Digitalization Award is one of the eleven categories in the GrausTIC Awards, which aim to celebrate projects that leverage technology to drive social inclusion. This is the fourth edition of the category, sponsored by the iSocial Foundation, which in previous years has honored initiatives like Ajuda’ls a créixer (2021), Biel Digital Glasses (2022), and Audivers 360º (2023).

The Digital Innovation Awards of Catalonia – GrausTIC also feature other categories supported by organizations such as Tech Barcelona, Mobile World Capital, and the City Council of Barcelona.


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