ICT tools to combat loneliness in the elderly

Campus InnoBreaks

ICT tools to combat loneliness in the elderly

TEKNOADINEKO (Euskadi, Spain) and ELDCARE (Catalonia, Spain)

Held on Tuesday February 8, 2022.
The speakersthe spoke in Catalan and in Spanish.

In our societies, the general aging of the population, the impoverishment of community ties and the increase in situations of unwanted loneliness in the elderly, both in rural areas and in urban settings, seem an unstoppable process.

Addressing this enormous challenge only from Social Services is now completely impossible. A joint and concerted effort is needed from all public services, from all the associative and community fabric, and from the whole society.

To detect situations of loneliness, often invisible, and to activate the response of people and resources in each environment and territory, technology offers us increasingly effective tools.

In this 3rd Innobreak we presented two very different initiatives but which have in common the fact of having devised and built technological solutions adapted to the characteristics and possibilities of the Social Services of our towns and cities to help the Social Services teams to lead more effectively the answer to this phenomenon of loneliness of the elderly. The first is TEKNOADINEKO, a tool of the cooperative group Agintzari of the Basque Country, which from Big Data assesses the risk and activates the resources of the Social Services and the community. The second is ELDCARE, a tool of the Benestar i Desenvolupament Association-ABD of Catalonia, which with a very simple technology reinforces home care and support for the elderly who live and feel alone.


  • Mila Lopez Aldama, TEKNOADINEKO (Agintzari, Bilbao, Euskadi, Spain)
  • Mireia López Alvarez, ELDCARE (ABD, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)

Full video of the Innobreak

Supported by

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Drets Socials


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