All that the Flapp! alarm button offers

Lab Products FLAPP!

All that the Flapp! alarm button offers

Botó d'alarma

If you are a social worker and use Flapp! with the people you support, know that the “Alarm Button” has two functions: the “Emergency Contact” and the “112 Button”.

What is the “Emergency Contact” feature?

If you are a professional, you can activate the “Emergency Contact” feature for the users you choose to become their reference professional in emergency situations. This way, the user can send you an alert through the Flapp! chat. To ensure the comfort of both parties, we recommend that you agree in advance on how and why you will use the tool.

How to activate the “Emergency Contact” option?

If you want to become an emergency contact for a Flapp! user, you can configure this option by going to their profile, both in the web version and in the mobile app, and selecting the “Emergency Contact” option on the app and “Be an alert contact” on the website:

What is the “112 Button”?

The alarm section also includes the ‘112 Button’. When the user presses it, they are redirected to the emergency phone number 112, in order to resolve emergency situations more quickly.

Botó d'alarma

All that the Flapp! alarm button offers

If you are a professional, you can activate the “Emergency Contact” feature for the users you choose to become their reference professional in emergency situations.
Xat Nidus

The chat of Flapp!, the messaging tool that enhances communication and user support

The new versions of the Flapp! and iSocialPro applications now include chat functionality.

The chat, the messaging tool that enhances communication and user support

Lab Products Nidus

The chat, the messaging tool that enhances communication and user support

Xat Nidus

The new versions of the Nidus and iSocialPro applications now include chat functionality. This integrated messaging tool enhances the way users and professionals interact, representing a significant step towards more agile and efficient communication and support.

What does the chat allow you to do?

With the chat feature of Nidus and iSocialPro, you’ll be able to contact your linked users and other professionals, and track conversations without leaving the app.

Like any other messaging application, the chat feature of Nidus and iSocialPro allows you to send written and voice messages, as well as instantly share documents, videos, and images.

Furthermore, unlike other services, the chat feature of Nidus is not linked to any phone number, and conversations can be easily retrieved by accessing the user’s profile from any device.

This new feature allows users to resolve queries or doubts immediately, exchange documents and information more efficiently, easily organize appointments or meetings, send reminders… and much more! To access it, simply go to the Messages option at the bottom of the screen. You can also send a message directly through the icon next to the profile of each user and professional.

Furthermore, this functionality also allows to create conversation groups and message distribution lists, both with users and other professionals.

What are the advantages of the chat feature in Nidus and iSocialPro?

The advantages of having the chat feature are diverse:

  • Communication improvement: Facilitates interaction between users and professionals.
  • Quick exchange of information: Allows sending anything from text messages to multimedia files.
  • Confidentiality: Enables a smooth connection while maintaining confidentiality about the users’ and professionals’ phone numbers.
  • Allows saving conversations: Interactions can be retrieved and continued at any time and on any device.

With the chat feature, communication becomes more dynamic, user support more effective, and interaction possibilities broader. Try it out and discover how this new feature enhances your experience with our applications!

Xat Nidus

The chat, the messaging tool that enhances communication and user support

Les noves versions de les aplicacions Nidus i iSocialPro ja incorporen la funcionalitat del xat.

The chat of Flapp!, the messaging tool that enhances communication and user support

Lab Products FLAPP!

The chat of Flapp!, the messaging tool that enhances communication and user support

Xat Nidus

The new versions of the Flapp! and iSocialPro applications now include chat functionality. This integrated messaging tool enhances the way users and professionals interact, representing a significant step towards more agile and efficient communication and support.

What does the chat allow you to do?

With the chat feature of Flapp! and iSocialPro, you’ll be able to contact your linked users and other professionals, and track conversations without leaving the app.

Like any other messaging application, the chat feature of Flapp! and iSocialPro allows you to send written and voice messages, as well as instantly share documents, videos, and images.

Furthermore, unlike other services, the chat feature of Flapp! is not linked to any phone number, and conversations can be easily retrieved by accessing the user’s profile from any device.

This new feature allows users to resolve queries or doubts immediately, exchange documents and information more efficiently, easily organize appointments or meetings, send reminders… and much more!

To access it, you just need to go to the Messages option at the bottom of the screen. You can also send a message directly through the icon located next to the profile of each user and professional.

Furthermore, this functionality also allows to create conversation groups and message distribution lists, both with users and other professionals.

What are the advantages of the chat feature in Flapp! and iSocialPro?

The advantages of having the chat feature are diverse:

  • Communication improvement: Facilitates interaction between users and professionals.
  • Quick exchange of information: Allows sending anything from text messages to multimedia files.
  • Confidentiality: Enables a smooth connection while maintaining confidentiality about the users’ and professionals’ phone numbers.
  • Allows saving conversations: Interactions can be retrieved and continued at any time and on any device.

With the chat, communication is more dynamic, user attention is more effective, and interaction possibilities are broader. Try it out and discover how this new feature enhances your experience with our applications!

Botó d'alarma

All that the Flapp! alarm button offers

If you are a professional, you can activate the “Emergency Contact” feature for the users you choose to become their reference professional in emergency situations.
Xat Nidus

The chat of Flapp!, the messaging tool that enhances communication and user support

The new versions of the Flapp! and iSocialPro applications now include chat functionality.

1st InnoTrip to the Netherlands

Knowledge InnoTrips

1st InnoTrip to the Netherlands

Between May 23 and 26, 2023, the iSocial Foundation, with the support of the Department of External Action and Open Government of the Catalana Government and ACCIÓ – Agency for Business Competitiveness, has sent a delegation made up of a total of twenty-two representatives of its member organizations in the Netherlands as part of the first Innotrip.

The Innotrip is a new service that the foundation offers in the field of knowledge generation and exchange, aimed at professionals with managerial positions and/or related to the promotion of continuous improvement which consists in fostering innovation through the on-site discovery of leading international experiences in the field of social action. The exploration of new ways of dealing with common problems, the creation of potential synergies of an international nature and the strengthening of relations between member entities are its main objectives.

The interest aroused by the Dutch system of care and social services, based on an accessible and quality model, with a high degree of public-private collaboration and many shared challenges, has made the Netherlands the chosen destination for this first edition of the Innotrip.

The program of activities has been designed based on the needs expressed by the member entities and proposed in specific optional itineraries – Amsterdam, Utrecht, Apeldoorn and Helmond. Close coordination with the collaborating Dutch organizations and a prior planning visit have been key in its development.

This has included the discovery of projects and initiatives of an innovative nature in the areas of social housing, community development, socio-labor inclusion or impact measurement and management, among others, through visits of different formats to the following non-profit entities, social enterprises, federations and public bodies.

Day 1:

Sociaal Werk Nederland (Utrecht)

Day 2:

HVO Querido (Amsterdam)

Startblok Elzenhagen (Amsterdam)

WoCom (Helmond)

SMO (Helmond)

Nei Skoen (Helmond)

Savant Alphonsus (Helmond)

Day 3:

De Tussenvoorziening (Utrecht)

Incluzio / Buurtteams Utrecht (Utrecht)

JOU (Utrecht)

‘s Heeren Loo (Apeldoorn)

Day 4:

City of Amsterdam (Amsterdam)

The Innotrip 2023 was attended by representatives of the member organizations AMPANS, ATRA Group, Fundació Família i Benestar Social, Fundació Joia, Support-Fundació Tutelar Girona, Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down, Fundació Resilis, Sant Pere Claver Social Services, Fundació El Maresme, Agintzari, Grup Alba, Intress, Fundació Hàbitat3 and the iSocial Foundation itself.

With the support of

Generalitat de Catalunya. Secretaria d'Acció Exterior del Govern
ACCIO horitzontal color 3


2nd InnoTrip to Scotland

2nd InnoTrip to Scotland

The InnoTrip is a service aimed at the member entities of iSocial, consisting of an international study visit to promote innovation. In the 2024 edition, the InnoTrip will take place in Scotland.
1st InnoTrip to the Netherlands

1st InnoTrip to the Netherlands

From 22 to 25 May 2023, the 1st InnoTrip of the iSocial Foundation took place in the Netherlands.

Presentation in Bilbao of the report “Technological innovation and social services”

Campus Conferences and public events

Presentation in Bilbao of the report “Technological innovation and social services”

Acte de presentació de l'informe «Innovació tecnològica i serveis socials»

Within the cycle of events for the presentation of the report “Technological innovation and social services”, on March 20, 2023 at 12 noon a public event taked place in the Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (BBF) of Universidad Mondragón in which, in addition to presenting the Report , we presented the objectives and activities of the foundation for 2023, and we had interventions by recognized experts and the vision of different public and private agents.

This is the first report by the iSocial Foundation on innovation trends in the social services sector, which will continue in the future with new annual reports dedicated to other areas of innovation and transformation of the sector.


12h – Welcome:

  • Ms. Montse Cervera, President of the iSocial Foundation.

12:10h – Introduction of the report “Technological innovation and social services”:

  • Mr. Toni Codina, Director of the iSocial Foundation.

12:30h – Presentation “The person as the center of digitization”:

  • Ms. Nagore Ipiña, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences of the Mondragón University.

12:50h – Round table “Incorporation of technology in social services: challenges and difficulties”:

  • Mr. Sergio Murillo, Deputy for Social Action of Bizkaia.
  • Mr. Mikel Palazuelos, Head of the Social Care area of NTT Data.

13:30h – Closure

  • Ms. Adriana Martínez, director of APTES (Association for the Promotion of Social Technology).
  • Ms. Lucía Merino, coordinator of the Basque Observatory of the Third Social Sector.

Presented and drived by: Josu Gago (Agintzari)

Organized by:

Fundació iSocial

With the collaboration of:

Mondragon Unibertsitatea

Conferències i debats

Acte de presentació de l'informe «Innovació tecnològica i serveis socials»

Presentation in Bilbao of the report “Technological innovation and social services”

Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria – BBF of Universidad Mondragón. (Held on 20/03(203).
Innovació tecnològica i serveis socials

Presentation in Barcelona of the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

NTT Data Auditorium: Avinguda Nova Icària, 221. Barcelona (Held on 22/11/2022)
Conference “Social Services at a crossroads: strengths and challenges in the post-Covid stage”

Conference “Social Services at a crossroads: strengths and challenges in the post-Covid stage”

Emi Vicente, President of the General Council of Social Work (held on 29/09/2021)
The challenge of creating value and positivity in organizations in turbulent times

The challenge of creating value and positivity in organizations in turbulent times

Xavier Marcet, International innovation consultant (held on 15/12/2020)
Will social services withstand the emerging challenges due to Covid19?

Will social services withstand the emerging challenges due to Covid19?

Carles Alsinet, director of Social Innovation Catedra in UdL (held on 16/09/2020)
The future is already here: technology and big data in Social Services

The future is already here: technology and big data in Social Services

Toni Codina, CEO & co-founder of iSocial Foundation (held on 17/06/2020)

How to improve communication and the image of Social Services

Campus Training offer

How to improve communication and the image of Social Services

Change the way we explain ourselves to give value to what we do.
Training programs in the field of Social Services.

Check the calendar for the 2023 editions

“When we change the way we communicate, we change society”. Clay Shirky

Despite the fact that public and private budgets dedicated to Social Services have not stopped growing in recent years, this investment effort is often not perceived or valued by part of the citizens.

The difficulties faced by public authorities and NGO that manage Social Services in explaining and highlighting their actions are not only related to the lack of knowledge of what Social Services are among a large part of the society, but also to the survival of stereotypes and old views that have little to do with what Social Services are today, which are not perceived as a universal system that provides care throughout our life cycle. The strong points of their action are scarcely known by the public, and many people are not interested in them or not consider themselves potential users because they only associate them with poverty, exclusion and the most excluded layer of society.

But communication and reputation management is not only complex for the Social Services sector. Other sectors of society have managed to reverse similar situations through an appropriate strategy. Innovation in Social Services also means changing the way we explain ourselves and communicate, to give value to what we do.

In collaboration with

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Drets Socials

Programes formatius

Self-care and stress management in social service teams

Self-care and stress management in social service teams

Action training program for social service professionals (16 h.)
How to improve communication and the image of Social Services

How to improve communication and the image of Social Services

Change the way we explain ourselves to give value to what we do. On-line (12 hours)
From Person-Centered Care to Self-directed Support

From Person-Centered Care to Self-directed Support

New trends in intervention in Social Services. On-line (16,5 hours)
Curs Eines de transformacio digital

Tools for the digital transformation of basic social services

Training program for technical staff of Social Services of local authorities. Online (15h).
Community intervention in Basic Social Services

Community intervention in Basic Social Services

Community work as a form of social intervention. 10,5h online.
Innovation and change management

Innovation and change management

Management skills for continuous improvement. Online (10 hours)

From Person-Centered Care to Self-directed Support

Campus Training offer

From Person-Centered Care to Self-directed Support

Training-action program for social workers from municipalities and NGOs.

Next edition: October 23rd.

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1, 1948)

In the last years the person-centered approach has been consolidated and social workers use it for their interventions. Today we know that it is not so much about putting the person in the center and social workers making decisions on behalf of that person, based on his/her will and rights, but about offering the support the person needs to be able to make his/her own decisions.

The European Model of Self-directed Support seeks to guarantee and preserve this approach: to support and escort the people who approach the Social Services in taking decisions so, at every moment, they have the possibility of choosing and controlling how the action or support plan is organized to achieve the results agreed with the professionals, based on the person will and rights.

In collaboration with

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Drets Socials

Programes formatius

Self-care and stress management in social service teams

Self-care and stress management in social service teams

Action training program for social service professionals (16 h.)
How to improve communication and the image of Social Services

How to improve communication and the image of Social Services

Change the way we explain ourselves to give value to what we do. On-line (12 hours)
From Person-Centered Care to Self-directed Support

From Person-Centered Care to Self-directed Support

New trends in intervention in Social Services. On-line (16,5 hours)
Curs Eines de transformacio digital

Tools for the digital transformation of basic social services

Training program for technical staff of Social Services of local authorities. Online (15h).
Community intervention in Basic Social Services

Community intervention in Basic Social Services

Community work as a form of social intervention. 10,5h online.
Innovation and change management

Innovation and change management

Management skills for continuous improvement. Online (10 hours)

iSocial presents the report “Technological innovation and social services”

Publications News

iSocial presents the report “Technological innovation and social services”

24 NOVEMBER 2022

, ,

At a public event held on 22.11.2022 at the NTT Data auditorium in Barcelona.

The social services system cannot ignore the use of technology and has to adapt the services it provides to the digital environment in which we live.

The iSocial Foundation presented yesterday the report on Technological Innovation and Social Services during an event in the auditorium of the company NTT Data, in Barcelona.

The event was opened by Ms. Montse Cervera, president of the iSocial Foundation, followed by the presentation of the report by Mr. Toni Codina, director of the Foundation.

Mr. Miquel Estapé, Director of Strategy and Innovation of the Administració Oberta de Catalunya (AOC), presented the opportunities, risks and challenges of technological innovation for the social services sector, establishing people as the central axis and defending that technology is a means and not an end. He also stressed the importance of data and its management for the proper functioning of social service organizations, both public and third sector.

Ms. Mariola Dinarès led the entire day, also moderating the debate that took place under the title “Learning from the daring”. In addition to Mr. Estapé, Mr. Albert Giralt, CEO of the company Avinent, and Mr. Mikel Palazuelos, head of Health & Social Care at NTT Data, also participated in the debate. The event was closed by Mr. Lluís Torrens, Secretary of Social Affairs and Families of the Department of Social Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The report presented by iSocial during the conference reviews the different emerging fields of technological innovation in social services: remote communication and accompaniment, empowerment and self-management, improvement of personal autonomy and organizational intelligence.

Through a proposal of next steps to follow, the iSocial Foundation raises 20 proposals aimed at Catalan and Spanish organizations in the social services sector, to move forward and with the aim of focusing the technological environment of social services in order not to ignore the use and efficiency that involve the use of technology. Among these 20 proposals, the iSocial Foundation claims that administrations must redefine the portfolios of social services to incorporate the changes that the use of digital tools entails.

Below you can see a selection of photographs of the presentation of the report in Barcelona.

Technological innovation and social services report

Publications Reports

Technological innovation and social services report


The social service system cannot ignore the use of technology and has to adapt the services it provides to the digital environment in which we live.

The iSocial Foundation has published the report Technological innovation and social services, a 60-page document that analyzes the changes that the social services sector is undergoing in Spain as a result of the incorporation of new technologies, as well as the challenges that this digital revolution is assuming for the sector.

Next, the report delves into the four main emerging fields of digital transformation that are transforming the sector today: remote communication and support, empowerment and self-management, the improvement of personal autonomy and organizational intelligence.

The report also offers 20 recommendations addressed to Public Administrations and third sector organizations in Spain, among which we highlight the proposal that the social services portfolios be redefined so that they incorporate the modifications that the use of digital tools entails today in the manner of provision of these services.

The report is available in english, spanish and catalan.


The challenge of the digital transformation of social services for inclusive and equitable metropolises

Publications Articles

The challenge of the digital transformation of social services for inclusive and equitable metropolises


Digitization opens up new opportunities for the development and well-being of people, while at the same time generating new risks related to the digital divide, which can aggravate and deepen situations of inequality, social exclusion or mental and emotional discomfort. The social services of the metropolises are today at the center of this debate, given that their contribution in the answer to this equation will be crucial in the coming years.

(Toni Codina, International Congress of Metropolitan Solutions, September 2022)


Model TEAL

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Big Data

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Infància i adolescència en risc

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Innovació social per prevenir la violència masclista

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