iSocial Foundation will co-direct with UB the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of ACM

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iSocial Foundation will co-direct with UB the “Postgraduate course in Public Management of Local Social Services” of ACM


From the 5th of February, in which the classes will begin, the iSocial Foundation will co-direct, together with the School of Social Work of the University of Barcelona, ​​the “Postgraduate Degree in public management of local social services” of the Association Catalana de Municipis (ACM), addressed to the managers and technicians of Social Services of its 937 associated councils. Last August, the ACM selected the proposal submitted by the UB and iSocial, in the process of awarding the public tender, which had tendered previous months for this purpose.

The course will be held in the ACM training classroom at its headquarters on Valencia Street in the city of Barcelona, ​​every Wednesday from February to December. This is a university course of 30 credits, 256 hours face-to-face and adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) system.

Among the teachers of the course will be teachers of the School of Social Work of the University of Barcelona, ​​experts and collaborators of the iSocial Foundation, as well as specialists in various subjects of other Catalan universities such as the University of Girona, Rovira University and Virgili, and University of Lleida. The course will include a thematic block on innovation in Social Services, which will be the responsibility of the iSocial Foundation.

The ACM has been offering this Postgraduate Course since 2015, and this will be the fourth edition. To register for the Postgraduate Course you must do so through the ACM, which funds 50% of each enrollment, and be a Social Services professional in some of the municipalities associated with the institution. You can find more information here and on the ACM website.


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