iSocial meets with the 19 Mayors of Alt Urgell to present the Vincles project

Publications News

iSocial meets with the 19 Mayors of Alt Urgell to present the Vincles project

Vincles Alt Urgell

Starting in September, six new municipalities in the territory are expected to be incorporated after the pilot in Monteferrer-Castellbò

Last Wednesday, July 24, we met with nineteen municipal representatives from the Alt Urgell region to explain the Vincles project. This initiative, supported by the Department of Social Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the University of Lleida, and La Caixa Foundation, applies innovation to address the increase in situations of unwanted loneliness among the elderly in the Alt Pirineu and the Aran region, combining, on one hand, data science to geolocate risk areas, and on the other hand, the activation of the local community network.

The meeting, held during the Council of Mayors at Espai La Vansa (Sorribes) and wsa covered by PirineusTV, allowed us to explain the current development stage of Vincles in Alt Urgell. The first phase began with a pilot in Monteferrer-Castellbò and, starting in September, six new municipalities in the territory are expected to be incorporated.

Additionally, thanks to the support of HISS (Catalonia’s Social and Health Innovation Hub), which selected the project in its 1st Call against Unwanted Loneliness, Vincles will be expanded to study how to incorporate various data from the healthcare system and the perspective of healthcare teams in the detection and intervention processes, thus making a common and integrated social and healthcare approach possible.

Watch the news coverage of the meeting in PirineusTV (in Catalan)


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