Vincles Alt Pirineu-Aran
Vincles Alt Pirineu-Aran
Project for early detection and social intervention in situations of loneliness of the elderly in the Alt Pirineu-Aran region.
Project of innovation in social services that aims to implement a pioneering initiative to detect and address early and effectively, from basic social services, situations of unwanted loneliness of the elderly in the six mountain regions of the Catalan Pyrenees.
The detection and attention to situations of loneliness of the elderly are today a concern and a priority objective for the basic social services of the six Pyrenean counties, given that the Alt Pirineu-Aran concentrates the three most over-aged counties in Catalonia, while the other three counties of the vegueria are above the Catalan average. At the same time, Alt Pirineu-Aran is the territory with the highest rate of single-person households, almost 1/3 of the total, much higher than the rest of the vegueries and the average for Catalonia.
The Vincles Alt Pirineu-Aran project aims to address this serious need in the social services of the six regions, which currently lack sufficient resources, suitable tools, or a clear methodology to tackle it. It proposes to address this through the piloting, implementation, and evaluation of the Basque system Auzosare, a technology-based and community-based system that has proven to be highly effective and successful in six mountain municipalities of Guipúzcoa over the past eight years. Developed by Agintzari and Gislan with the support of BBK and the European Union, it combines a traditional asset of mountain regions, such as community care, with technological innovation to put both at the service of the most vulnerable population.
Furthermore, through the AISSS Alt Pirineu-Aran study, the iSocial Foundation is promoting the future participation of Health system agents in the project.
The project is driven by a consortium led by the iSocial Foundation, which also includes the six County Councils of Alt Pirineu-Aran (Alt Urgell, Pallars Sobirà, Pallars Jussà, La Cerdanya, Alta Ribagorça, and Val d’Aran), the University of Lleida, and three third sector entities operating in these regions: Cooperativa Alba Jussà, Fundació Integra Pirineus, and Associació ABD. In addition, the Alt Pirineu-Aran Development and Promotion Institute (IDAPA) and the two Basque organizations that developed the Auzosare system are collaborating: the cooperative group Agintzari and the technology company Gislan.
- To incorporate a technological system of standardizable territorial information applied to the protection of the elderly in the Alt Pirineu-Aran, which allows to detect situations of loneliness and social isolation in an updated, immediate and accurate way.
- To improve the efficiency of the actions of the Social Services of the six counties by carrying out a highly accurate social diagnosis, which includes the needs and opportunities of each county for a precise planning of the intervention (County Action Plan and Personalized Care Plan), using innovative technological tools and the participation of the formal and informal resources of each county.
- Activate the protective capacity of the community, by raising awareness of the problems of elderly people feeling lonely in each county and the involvement of community assets (people, businesses, services, etc.) in the different action responses (planning, dynamics of mutual support, network of “antennae” sensitive to possible risk situations, etc.).
- o evaluate the project in order to extract evidence for continuous improvement to systematize an effective, replicable and sustainable community intervention model both for the Social Services of Alt Pirineu-Aran and for the Basic Social Services Areas of Catalonia as a whole.
Expected impacts and improvements
In the elderly:
- An early recognition and detection of their unwanted condition, by expert professionals and with the support of a technological tool.
- An accompaniment and support from the basic social services, the community, the neighborhood and the associations and organizations in their environment.
- A project that will help them to live at home and in their usual environment, from their freedom of choice.
In the community:
- – A reinforcement of the community as a means of support in the care of the elderly.
- Encourage the participation of the elderly in the community.
- Generate value as a community in relation to: solidarity, cooperation and ethics.
- Stimulate a more socially committed community.
- Dynamization of the associations and entities of the territory and reinforcement of the network work
In the basic social services:
- Participate in the adaptation, piloting and implementation of the Auzosare basic model.
- Training and qualification of all the professional team of the Basic Area.
- Change management plan and expert accompaniment to carry it out
- A detailed and constantly updated map of the existing situations of homelessness in the region.
- A methodology for early attention to situations of unwanted homelessness with the support of specialized social professionals and the mobilization of community resources in the territory.
In collaboration with:
With the support of:
Projectes d’innovació