Community intervention in Basic Social Services

Community work as a form of social intervention. 10,5h online.

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To promote community work as a form of social intervention

Community work as a form of social intervention has long been present in academic and professional debates and in the orientation of many welfare and social services policies. In recent years there has been a special drive to promote the community dimension in strategies to rethink and strengthen social services systems, both those promoted by some regional governments (e.g. the II Strategic Plan for Social Services in Catalonia 2021-2024) and those promoted by some local authorities and Third Sector Organizations.

Specifically, the aforementioned Strategic Plan urges to “seek the assembly of community social work within the primary care social network, bearing in mind that any social intervention professional can work on the community dimension”. This dimension means influencing the causes that generate situations of vulnerability, and deploying preventive actions that improve social cohesion, empowerment of citizenship, positive parenting, and independent living and autonomy.

Even so, professionals and teams frm the social services, both in administration and in Third Sector organizations, are currently facing numerous difficulties in moving in this direction: an unclear and concrete regulatory framework; doubts about what is community work and what is not; an organizational model that does not facilitate it; a context of tension in relation to the traditional role of assistance; etc.

This training course aims to respond to these doubts and difficulties, based on a practical vision for the different scenarios of social intervention by means of tools, references, examples and experiences of the course participants themselves.


Professionals who do social intervention in the basic social intervention teams of the social services of the City Councils, Regional Councils or third sector entities, and who want to advance in a more community-oriented approach and orientation in their professional practice.


To raise awareness of the community commitment of the Strategic Plan for Social Services in Catalonia (PESSC) 2021-2024. To deepen the knowledge of the framework of reference of community work to basic social services. To provide elements, practical tools and real examples for the application of the community approach to the model of care and the different scenarios of professional intervention.

Format and duration

In collaboration with the Federació Catalana de Municipis: 12h on-site, distributed in 6 workshops delivered in 3 days. Place: FMC training rooms in Balmes, Barcelona.

10,5h online through the Zoom platform, distributed in 6 workshops delivered in 3 mornings.

We also offer specific editions tailored for municipalities and third sector organizations.


Clàudia Manyà: Social consultant with training in social education, gender studies and group facilitation. Specialized in community work in the field of social services, she carries out trainings, supervisions and accompaniments to strengthen community orientation and transversal work in social services and projects. Co-author of the “Document of bases for a reference framework for community work in basic social services” (Department of Social Rights, 2022).

Editions (2023)

In collaboration with the Federació Catalana de Municipis

  • Edition in catalan. Start data: November 8th.
1The community commitment in the Strategic Plan for social services in Catalonia (PESSC) 2021-2024
2Community work and its contribution to the mission of basic social services
3The model of community intervention in Basic Social Services.
4Community intervention scenarios: objectives and strategies
5Itineraries of community intervention to the Social Services
6Strategies for the transition to a more community-based model of care
Clàudia Manyà

Clàudia Manyà

Social consultant with training in social education, gender studies and group facilitation. Specializing in community work in the field of social services, it provides training, supervision and support to strengthen community orientation and transversal work in social services and projects. Co-author of the “Basic document for a reference framework for community work in basic social services” (Department of Social Rights, 2022)

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