Innovation and change management

Management skills for continuous improvement. Online (10 hours)

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Management skills for continuous improvement and transformation. Training-action programs for professionals and social services teams.

“Hope is like a path in the countryside. Originally, there is nothing – but as people walk this way again and again, a path appears” (Chinese proverb)

Innovation within organizations is not possible if the change processes involved are not properly managed. Change management seeks to facilitate and achieve a successful implementation of the transformation processes that an organization has decided to carry within its professional teams. This implies working with them in the acceptance and assimilation of the expected changes, and in resistance reduction.

iSocial Foundation offers a training program for successful management of change processes, and to complement it with an advisor service, because innovation in Social Services always requires working on its human side in parallel, that is, the impact on the teams and people who will have to implement them.

Good change management in Social Services teams promotes stability, self-esteem and group cohesion, allowing organizations not only to face specific changes but also to achieve a mentality and a constant state of evolution.

It is a flexible training offer that can be adapted to the needs and characteristics of the professional team of each public administration or social entity.


Management teams and team coordinators.


Disposar d’un marc compartit i d’un llenguatge comú i conèixer les eines i mètodes més eficaços per abordar el canvi en entorns complexos com és una organització de Serveis Socials, sigui d’un Ajuntament o Consell comarcal o d’una entitat del tercer sector.


10-hour online program, consisting of different workshops. Days and times to be agreed.

An individual and group accompaniment process subsequent to the course is also offered, of 14 hours, to help the team in the practical implementation of the acquired learning.

Price and conditions

Consult the PDF brochure of the course by clicking the “More information button” or write a mail to

Module 1Module 2
Need for change in today’s organizationsThe role of the team leader
Funds to identify the need for changeTeam bonding
SWOT as a participatory processResistance management
Appreciative methodsStakeholder identification and management
From vision to activities in the processes of changeCollaborative methods: collective intelligence
Structure of a change project
Change as adaptation and learning
Guy Giménez

Guy Giménez

Diploma in Business Management, Human Resources and Consulting and a Degree in Integral Organizational Leadership. Professional and researcher in individual skills and collective intelligence development, change management in organizations, leadership and coaching.

Lluís Casado

Lluís Casado

Degree in Economics and Psychology, and Diploma in Organizational Development. Trainer, consultant and coach specialized in organizational behavior: change management, innovation, conflict, personal and team development. He has years of experience in training and supervising Social Services managers in various municipalities.

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Additional information

Innovació i gestió del canvi

Curs bàsic, Curs bàsic + Acompanyament de 14 hores per al disseny i la implementació d’un projecte de canvi o millora de l’organització