2nd InnoTrip to Scotland

Knowledge InnoTrips

2nd InnoTrip to Scotland

From May 20th to 23rd, 2024, the 2nd InnoTrip organized by the iSocial Foundation took place in Scotland, with the support of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Open Government of the Government of Catalonia. For three days, around thirty representatives from iSocial member entities visited 10 innovative Scottish initiatives in the field of social action

The InnoTrip is a service provided by the iSocial Foundation aimed at its member entities, consisting of an international study visit to promote innovation through the on-site discovery of cutting-edge experiences in the field of social action. In it’s 2024 edition, the Innotrip took place from May 20th to 23rd in Scotland.

The program of activities for this edition includee the discovery of innovative organizations and projects through visits of various formats to non-profit entities, social enterprises, and Scottish government agencies. Among other benefits of participating in the InnoTrip, the participants had the chance to discover new ways to address common social issues, to create potential international synergies, and to strengthen relationships with other iSocial member entities.

The Scottish system of social services and care is internationally recognized for promoting the implementation of different models and innovative initiatives. Examples include the integration of health and social care, the self-directed support model, community building, and preventive approaches.

In addition, iSocial member organizations did identify and showed interest in discovering specific organizations and initiatives in the Scottish social ecosystem, with a special focus on areas such as social housing, community development, support for independent living, and socio-labor inclusion.

Visit program

  • Quarriers: Self-directed support model and use of digital tools for independent living support.
  • Simon Community: Access Hub (multi-institutional counseling and support center for homeless and/or socially excluded people), digital tools, and Housing First model.
  • Aberlour: Integrated healthcare and social care services and intensive family support model.
  • Social Bite: Social enterprise model and social awareness resources.
  • Kibble: Comprehensive care approach (housing, training, and employment) and social enterprise model.
  • Homes For Good: Quality housing through affordable rentals. Property acquisition and tenant support.

Amb el suport de

Generalitat de Catalunya. Secretaria d'Acció Exterior del Govern


1st InnoTrip to the Netherlands

1st InnoTrip to the Netherlands

From 22 to 25 May 2023, the 1st InnoTrip of the iSocial Foundation took place in the Netherlands.