We offer free webinars in which we present a selection of the best social service innovation initiatives from around the world that we have published in our Innovation Bank.
Pioneering Initiatives for the Digital Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups
DigiUP (Finland) and the Digital Inclusion Center of Bordeaux Métropole (France).
Wednesday, April 9, from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM. Open for registration.
New Perspectives on the Prevention and Intervention of Child Sexual Violence
PrevenSI (Intress) and Barnahus (Save the Children). Held on 11/2/25.
Facilitating Access to Leisure and Services: Support Apps for Families of People with Disabilities
Jooay (Canada) and VinculApp (Catalonia). Held on 3/12/24.
Artificial Intelligence in Social Services: Predictive Analysis and Identification of Intervention Needs
wSocial (Catalonia) and Nrativ (Sweden). Held on 8/10/24.
Innovative Services in Drug Addiction: Family Support and Risk Prevention
BRUS (Denmark) and Energy Control (Catalonia). Held on 02/07/24.
Homelessness and Technology: Tools to rebuild the bonds with the community
Entourage (France) and Nidus (Catalonia). Held on 05/06/2024.
Tools and services to address cyberbullying and other youth vulnerabilities in the digital environment
Webinar of social innovation. Digital Streetwork (Germany) and B-resol (Catalonia). Held on 09/04/2024
Digitalizing Social Services: Apps Supporting Users and Professionals
Reconnect (France) and Gavius (Catalonia). Held on 06/02/2024.
New Models of Social Housing Against Exclusion
Mixed Living (Netherlands) and Llar Casa Bloc (Catalonia). Held on 31/10/23.
New digital tools at the service of people who care
OKencasa (Basque Country) and myCarenet (Catalonia).
Held on 11/07/2023.
Guides and simulators for economically vulnerable populations
Soliguide (France) and Les meves ajudes (Spain). Held on 9/05/2023
Innovative tools for people with communication difficulties
Talking Mats (United Kingdom) and Voiceitt (Israel). Online. Held on 14/03/2023.
Innovative therapeutic solutions for people with dementia
Innovative therapeutic solutions for people with dementia.
Therapeutic Gardens Mati 1909 (Italy) and MK360 Immersive Technology (Catalonia).
Held on 17/01/2023
Community work platforms and activation of neighborhood cooperation.
Community work platforms and activation of neighborhood cooperation –
HOPLR (Belgium i A-Porta (Catalonia) – Held on 29/11/2022
Preventive action against neglect and child abuse
AFST – Allegheny Family Screening Tool (USA) and PIPPI – Intervention Program for the Prevention of Institutionalization (Italy) – Held on 14/06/2022
4.0 solutions that empower and facilitate personal autonomy
APP&TOWN COMPAGNON (Spain, Canada) and REHAB-LAB (France) – Held on 06/04/2022