Each month we publish and disseminate a short article setting out reflections and proposals in relation to emerging lines and areas of innovation in the sector.
How can the TEAL model benefit the social sector?
The TEAL model represents a break from classical internal organizational models of entities, with a special emphasis on the people who are part of them. What benefits could its implementation have in the social sector?
Predictive models through big data applied to social services
In recent years, multiple sectors have embraced big data technology and predictive models to manage large amounts of data, draw conclusions, and make predictions. How can this technology be applied to social services?
Social innovation in the protection of children and adolescents at risk
According to UNICEF, it is estimated that more than 1 billion children and adolescents are victims of violence worldwide, with profound, lasting, and sometimes deadly consequences. How can social innovation approach child protection?
Innovative perspectives to promote access to housing
According to the UN, the lack of decent housing is a problem affecting over 20% of the global population. In Catalonia, nearly 60,000 people experience some form of residential exclusion. What innovative initiatives are being implemented worldwide to promote access to housing?
Social Innovation to Prevent Gender Violence
During the year 2023, fifty-eight women and two minors died due to gender violence in Spain. How can we use social innovation to prevent and address this issue?
Robots for the treatment of children with ASD
In recent years, the use of robots in the treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been brought to the table. What benefits does this type of therapy offer?
Innovative proposals to combat unwanted loneliness in the elderly
Unwanted loneliness is a problem that has a particularly relevant impact on the elderly population. How should it be addressed? What innovative tools can be promoted from social services to reverse this feeling?
Desinstitucionalización y vida en comunidad de las personas con discapacidad
Una nueva guía de las Naciones Unidas indica directrices precisas para la desinstitucionalización de las personas con discapacidad.
The challenge of the digital transformation of social services for inclusive and equitable metropolises
Digitization opens up new opportunities for people’s well-being, while at the same time generating new risks of inequality. (Toni Codina, International Congress of Metropolitan Solutions, September 2022)
Recursos innovadores para personas refugiadas e inmigradas
En Europa, a raíz de la crisis ucraniana se han puesto en marcha cambios rápidos en las políticas de acogida, así como nuevas iniciativas para ofrecer apoyo a los recién llegados.
Los servicios sociales frente a las nuevas vulnerabilidades causadas por la digitalización: el e-social work
E-social work, un nuevo campo de intervención para dar respuesta a unas nuevas vulnerabilidades que agravan muchas situaciones atendidas por los servicios sociales (iSocial Foundation, 2020 May)
Riesgos y beneficios de la intervención social en remoto
La transformación digital ha afectado radicalmente la forma de comunicarnos. El sector de los servicios sociales no es la excepción. (iSocial Foundation, 2022 May)
Why artificial intelligence will transform social services
Current initiatives that try to harness the potential of artificial intelligence to strengthen and improve wellness systems. (Toni Codina, Social Work Magazine, 2022 December)
Los Servicios Sociales ante la inteligencia de grandes cantidades de datos (big data)
The impact of artificial intelligence and big data in the Social Services, nowadays and in the future. (Fernando Fantova, iSocial Foundation, 2020 March)