RAPNIC Project: Automatic Recognition of Unintelligible Speech in Catalan

Lab Innovation projects

RAPNIC Project: Automatic Recognition of Unintelligible Speech in Catalan

Noi amb paràlisi cerebral, potencial beneficiari del Projecte RAPNIC Reconeixement Automatic de la Parla No Intelligible en catala

RAPNIC is a project focused on developing and training an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model capable of recognizing unintelligible speech in Catalan.


Despite technological advancements, voice recognition systems still face significant challenges in identifying and interpreting speech patterns that deviate from standard norms, particularly in the case of so-called “unintelligible speech.” As a result, people with speech disorders, such as dysarthria, often struggle to be understood and are unable to access technological tools that could facilitate their communication and autonomy. Furthermore, the few existing solutions are primarily available in English, creating an additional barrier for speakers of other languages, including Catalan.

The RAPNIC project (Automatic Recognition of Unintelligible Speech in Catalan) aims to address this need by developing an AI-powered solution capable of recognizing and interpreting unintelligible speech in Catalan. This technology will allow individuals with speech disorders to interact effectively with voice assistants, speech-to-text transcription systems, and other digital tools, thereby improving their autonomy and quality of life.

What is RAPNIC?

RAPNIC is a pioneering initiative by the iSocial Foundation that seeks to eliminate a major technological barrier for people with speech disorders. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI), RAPNIC aims to develop a system capable of recognizing and understanding unintelligible speech, which current voice recognition systems fail to comprehend.

To achieve this, the project plans to create a database of unintelligible Catalan speech, built from voice recordings of individuals with speech disorders, with a particular focus on dysarthria— a motor impairment affecting facial muscles and making the pronunciation of certain phonemes difficult. This database will train AI algorithms using deep learning technology to recognize the sound patterns of these speech variations.

Infographic RAPNIC Project

In the project’s initial phase, work will be carried out on a corpus of recordings from individuals with Down syndrome and cerebral palsy, as their speech patterns generally present fewer alterations than other forms of dysarthria, making AI training more manageable. The database will contain at least 100 hours of recorded speech and involve the participation of 120 volunteer speakers with Down syndrome and cerebral palsy, along with social professionals, speech therapists, deep learning specialists, and computational linguists.

The ultimate goal of RAPNIC is to extend this system, first to the 22,000 people with Down syndrome and cerebral palsy within the Catalan linguistic community and, in a later phase, to the entire population of 49,000 individuals with speech disorders in the Catalan-speaking region, including those with more severe conditions. RAPNIC will enable affected individuals to communicate more effectively with those around them, give voice commands to digital assistants, transcribe their speech into text, and interact with other digital services more independently.

CSC Impulsa 2024 Award

The RAPNIC Project has been recognized as the winner of the CSC Impulsa 2024 Awards in the category of “Innovative AI Projects in the Social Sector.”

This recognition, granted by the Catalan Health and Social Consortium (CSC), includes financial support of €20,000 and technical guidance from the consortium, which will be crucial in transforming this initiative into a tangible reality.

Premi CSC Impulsa a RAPNIC web


Fundació iSocial. Innovació en l'acció social


logo Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Logo collectivat
FCSD Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down
Logo ASPACE Catalunya
Fundació El Maresme Discapacitats
logo astres

With the support of:

Logo CSC Consorci Salut SocialCatalunya

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