Solidigital’s Second Project Meeting Takes Place in Andorra

Publications News

Solidigital’s Second Project Meeting Takes Place in Andorra

Trobada Solidigital Andorra

The seven partner organizations of the European project gather in Andorra to coordinate Solidigital’s deployment plan

On September 5th and 6th, we held the second meeting of the Solidigital project in Andorra la Vella, with the participation of seven entities from Catalonia, France, and Andorra. The aim of the meeting was to coordinate the first phase of this European project’s deployment, driven within the framework of the European Union’s cross-border collaboration program, Interreg Poctefa.

Solidigital, which aims to facilitate access to social services for people in vulnerable situations, as well as the support work of professionals assisting them, is based on the use of three innovative digital tools: Soliguia, an interactive map of social resources providing detailed information on services available in each region; our app Nidus, a virtual safe box designed to support people in precarious situations; and Reconnect’s Coffre-fort numérique, a similar tool to Nidus operating in France.

During the meeting, we had the opportunity to learn more about these three tools, address integration issues, resolve doubts, generate debate, and, above all, get to know better the team we work with daily. Moreover, thanks to our hosts, Andorra Research and Innovation, we had the chance to meet Laura Mas de la Rosa, Director of the Department of Childhood, Adolescence, and Youth, and visit the facilities of the Andorran Red Cross to gain a deeper understanding of the country’s social ecosystem.

The meeting laid the groundwork for launching the project’s first phase, which will focus on mapping social resources in each region and will be carried out in collaboration with various local social entities and institutions.

The seven entities involved in the project will carry out this task in their respective regions. On the Catalan side, the project will involve the iSocial Foundation, project leader, Resilis, Alba, and Pere Claver, along with Solinum, which will coordinate the creation of Soliguia across all regions. In Andorra, the Foundation Andorra Research and Innovation will be responsible for implementing the project, while in France, Solinum and Reconnect will participate.

The project also includes the interconnection of these three tools and a training plan for 8,000 professionals, aiming to equip them with the necessary skills to use the tools, ensuring efficient implementation and quicker access to social services for the most vulnerable populations.


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