Willy Allègre, coordinator of the European Rehab-Lab network, visits project partners in Catalonia.

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Willy Allègre, coordinator of the European Rehab-Lab network, visits project partners in Catalonia.

Willy Allègre, coordinator of the European Rehab-Lab network, visits the commodities of the partners in Catalonia

The iSocial Foundation leads the establishment of a Rehab-Lab network in Catalonia. Willy Allègre’s visit is part of the accreditation process to join the European Rehab-Lab network, which will be completed this May

This week, we welcomed Willy Allègre, coordinator of the European Rehab-Lab network, as it soon expands to include Catalonia’s local network.

Willy Allègre is an engineer and technical director at the Mutual Rehabilitation and Functional Rehabilitation Center (CMRRF) in Kerpape, France. He is the creator of the Rehab-Lab network, a project empowering people with disabilities through the creation of functional aids using 3D printing technology.

One of the most notable aspects of Rehab-Lab, distinguishing its aids from those produced by typical Fab-Labs, is the inclusion of its beneficiaries in the creation process, ensuring the aids are tailored to their specific needs. Working alongside occupational therapists and specialized engineers, beneficiaries contribute their perspectives to the ideation and creation of tools that will facilitate their daily tasks.

In Catalonia, the establishment of a Rehab-Lab network expanding the existing European network is a project led by the iSocial Foundation, with participation from the Ampans Foundation, the Guttmann Institute, CIM-UPC, and Grup Avinent. It is funded by the Government of Catalonia through the Next Generation funds.

A Catalunya, la creació d’una xarxa Rehab-Lab que ampliï la xarxa europea ja existent és un projecte liderat per la Fundació iSocial i en el qual participen la Fundació Ampans, l’Institut Guttmann, CIM-UPC i el grup Avinent. Compta amb el finançament de la Generalitat de Catalunya a través dels fonts Next Generation.

Willy Allègre’s visit is part of the accreditation process that project partner entities have been following since last May and will conclude this May, when the Rehab-Lab network will be operational.


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