Pycipedia, collaborative platform for social workers specialized in parenting with intellectual disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

Pycipedia, collaborative platform for social workers specialized in parenting with intellectual disabilities

Research and Development Center for Health, Care, and Social Work in Linköping (FoU)


Web platform for social workers specialized in supporting parents with intellectual disabilities

Parenting processes can be especially challenging for people with intellectual disabilities. Additionally, the number of social workers specialized in this intervention area is very limited, and in the case of rural or non-urban areas, geographical distance makes it difficult for professionals to share their experiences and methods.

Pycipedia is a platform that connects social workers, regardless of where they work, through a digital network, to provide assistance and enable them to improve their support tasks. This ensures more equitable attention throughout the territory, ensuring that all professionals have access to useful resources and training.

The tool allows social workers to create, navigate, edit, and share training materials to support families with intellectual disabilities in everyday situations. Resources include texts, videos, and images. Materials are categorized, such as child health or hygiene tasks. Pycipedia also offers a forum where professionals can share best practices and provide empirical results on the different methods they use.

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