All that the Flapp! alarm button offers

Lab Products FLAPP!

All that the Flapp! alarm button offers

Botó d'alarma

If you are a social worker and use Flapp! with the people you support, know that the “Alarm Button” has two functions: the “Emergency Contact” and the “112 Button”.

What is the “Emergency Contact” feature?

If you are a professional, you can activate the “Emergency Contact” feature for the users you choose to become their reference professional in emergency situations. This way, the user can send you an alert through the Flapp! chat. To ensure the comfort of both parties, we recommend that you agree in advance on how and why you will use the tool.

How to activate the “Emergency Contact” option?

If you want to become an emergency contact for a Flapp! user, you can configure this option by going to their profile, both in the web version and in the mobile app, and selecting the “Emergency Contact” option on the app and “Be an alert contact” on the website:

What is the “112 Button”?

The alarm section also includes the ‘112 Button’. When the user presses it, they are redirected to the emergency phone number 112, in order to resolve emergency situations more quickly.

Botó d'alarma

All that the Flapp! alarm button offers

If you are a professional, you can activate the “Emergency Contact” feature for the users you choose to become their reference professional in emergency situations.
Xat Nidus

The chat of Flapp!, the messaging tool that enhances communication and user support

The new versions of the Flapp! and iSocialPro applications now include chat functionality.

The chat of Flapp!, the messaging tool that enhances communication and user support

Lab Products FLAPP!

The chat of Flapp!, the messaging tool that enhances communication and user support

Xat Nidus

The new versions of the Flapp! and iSocialPro applications now include chat functionality. This integrated messaging tool enhances the way users and professionals interact, representing a significant step towards more agile and efficient communication and support.

What does the chat allow you to do?

With the chat feature of Flapp! and iSocialPro, you’ll be able to contact your linked users and other professionals, and track conversations without leaving the app.

Like any other messaging application, the chat feature of Flapp! and iSocialPro allows you to send written and voice messages, as well as instantly share documents, videos, and images.

Furthermore, unlike other services, the chat feature of Flapp! is not linked to any phone number, and conversations can be easily retrieved by accessing the user’s profile from any device.

This new feature allows users to resolve queries or doubts immediately, exchange documents and information more efficiently, easily organize appointments or meetings, send reminders… and much more!

To access it, you just need to go to the Messages option at the bottom of the screen. You can also send a message directly through the icon located next to the profile of each user and professional.

Furthermore, this functionality also allows to create conversation groups and message distribution lists, both with users and other professionals.

What are the advantages of the chat feature in Flapp! and iSocialPro?

The advantages of having the chat feature are diverse:

  • Communication improvement: Facilitates interaction between users and professionals.
  • Quick exchange of information: Allows sending anything from text messages to multimedia files.
  • Confidentiality: Enables a smooth connection while maintaining confidentiality about the users’ and professionals’ phone numbers.
  • Allows saving conversations: Interactions can be retrieved and continued at any time and on any device.

With the chat, communication is more dynamic, user attention is more effective, and interaction possibilities are broader. Try it out and discover how this new feature enhances your experience with our applications!

Botó d'alarma

All that the Flapp! alarm button offers

If you are a professional, you can activate the “Emergency Contact” feature for the users you choose to become their reference professional in emergency situations.
Xat Nidus

The chat of Flapp!, the messaging tool that enhances communication and user support

The new versions of the Flapp! and iSocialPro applications now include chat functionality.