Closure of the 27th Summer School of the Social Welfare Area of the Barcelona County Council

Publications News

Closure of the 27th Summer School of the Social Welfare Area of the Barcelona County Council


Between July 9 and 13, 2018 , the 27th Summer School of the Social Welfare Area of the Barcelona County Council was held in the Espai Francesca Bonnemaison of Barcelona, which this year addressed “The gender perspective and People Care professions”.

The school consisted of 20 training activities (in the form of seminars, workshops or single-topic events), an opening keynote speech and two major events that helped the local world to provide answers to a diverse social reality. Professionals from the areas of social services and equality and citizenship from town and city councils, other local organisations, Third Sector entities, associations, foundations, as well as other professionals and students from the people care areas participated in the school. You can obtain further information here.


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