
CoParticiPA is a cross-border collaboration project aimed at fostering the active participation of service users in social services and the exchange of best practices.


CoParticiPA is a collaborative cross-border project that brings together Spain, France, and Andorra with the goal of promoting the active participation of individuals in the network of social services and socio-educational and community intervention entities. Spanning three years (2024-2026), this project, led by the Research and Innovation in Social Work Group (GRITS) in the School of Social Work at the University of Barcelona in collaboration with an extensive network of partners, aims to strengthen community ties and empower service users through their active involvement in decision-making and resource management.

What is CoParticiPA?

CoParticiPA stems from the need to promote people’s participation in the network of social services and socio-educational and community entities. With the support of the POCTEFA 2021-2027 program, this project focuses on the creation, piloting, and evaluation of a Cross-Border People’s Participation Program (PTP-P from its Catalan and French initials). Through this program, the aim is to strengthen community bonds and involve them in the management and decision-making of social services in their territories.

The project’s action will revolve around eight working groups, corresponding to eight social intervention areas: social services, childhood and adolescence, aging, migration, disability, health and mental health, social exclusion and community action, and university and continuing education.

The iSocial Foundation will lead the development of the digital solution that will facilitate the participation of service users in the planned intervention processes.

Grups de treball CoParticiPA
CoParticipa working groups

Partners and Financing

CoParticiPA has an extensive network of partners, including academic institutions, public administrations, and entities specialized in social intervention. The project is co-financed by the European Union through the Interreg POCTEFA 2021-2027 program, with the aim of reinforcing socioeconomic and social integration in the region.


Universitat de Barcelona


Fundació iSocial
Fundació Idea Full A4 v1
Logo UdG
Logo Càritas
Logo Andorra R + I
Logo Anras
Logo Arseaa
Logo Consell Comarcal de l'Alt Empordà
Logo Faire
Logo Universitat d'Andorra

With the co-financing of the European Union through the INTERREG POCTEFA program:


Projectes d’innovació

NIDUS Mental Health

NIDUS Mental Health

NIDUS Deinstitutionalization is a pilot project aimed at adapting the Nidus tool as a digital support tool for individuals with mental health disorders undergoing the process of deinstitutionalization.
Imatge d'una mà sostenint un mòbil on s'hi veu la Soliguia, una de les eines tecnològiques involucrades en el projecte Solidigital


Solidigital is a cross-border collaboration project centered around three technological tools to support people in vulnerable situations: Soliguia, Nidus, and Reconnect.
DigitaliSSB (Promotion of the Digitalization of the Basic Social Services of Catalonia)

DigitaliSSB (Promotion of the Digitalization of the Basic Social Services of Catalonia)

Project for the improvement and transformation of the management and social intervention models of the Basic Social Services of the local authorities of Catalonia.
Vincles Alt Pirineu-Aran

Vincles Alt Pirineu-Aran

Vincles Alt Pirineu-Aran is a project for early detection and social intervention in situations of loneliness of the elderly in the Alt Pirineu-Aran region.


FabLab community for the design and manufacture of functional adaptations for activities of daily living through 3D printing.


Aggregator of ICT tools at the service of inclusion and support for the autonomous life of people with intellectual disabilities