Cycle of reflection “Big Data and Social Services”

Campus Conferences and public events

Cycle of reflection “Big Data and Social Services”

Cycle of reflection composed of 2 conferences, 2 debates and 3 work seminars, with national and international experts.

The evolution of the structure of risks and social vulnerabilities of the territories, as a consequence of demographic changes, population aging, migratory flows or transformations in the labor and housing markets, generates frequent decompensations in the scope of Social Services intervention, and often people with social care needs are not identified as a population at risk or do not receive adequate social care due to reactive, unplanned and fragmented intervention.

Big Data technology today allows analyzing data from multiple sources with predictive models to look for patterns that are too complex to detect them manually, and identify current and future situations of social vulnerability with total reliability.

Exploring the possibilities offered by the Big Data is now unavoidable for the Social Services sector to have knowledge for planning and decision-making; to advance in efficiency and efficiency; develop more proactive and preventative strategies; And promote the personalization of services.

Activities performed:

  • Inaugural conference: “How Big Data is helping us to improve the response to citizen’s needs ” (Activity carried out on September 25th., 2019. See a summary of the conference here.)
  • Debate: “How can we improve Social Services today through the Big Data” (Activity carried out on October 29, 2019. See a summary of the debate here)
  • Debate: “Predictive models and automation in Social Services. Opportunities and critical factors“(Activity carried out on November 19, 2019. See a summary of the debate here)
  • 3 Working seminars: “How to use predictive models in local Social Services” (Activities carried out on November 14 and December 17, 2019, and March 10, 2020)
  • Closing conference and final document presentation: “Limits and opportunities for the contribution of Big Data to the improvement of social services” (Activity carried out on March 10, 2020)
  • Final Document of the cycle and an article in spanish of F. Fantova with the contents of this conference.

Supported by

Obra Social la Caixa
TIC Salut Social
Projecte Seleccionat Convocatòria Palau Macaya

Conferències i debats

Acte de presentació de l'informe «Innovació tecnològica i serveis socials»

Presentation in Bilbao of the report “Technological innovation and social services”

Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria – BBF of Universidad Mondragón. (Held on 20/03(203).
Innovació tecnològica i serveis socials

Presentation in Barcelona of the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

NTT Data Auditorium: Avinguda Nova Icària, 221. Barcelona (Held on 22/11/2022)
Conference “Social Services at a crossroads: strengths and challenges in the post-Covid stage”

Conference “Social Services at a crossroads: strengths and challenges in the post-Covid stage”

Emi Vicente, President of the General Council of Social Work (held on 29/09/2021)
The challenge of creating value and positivity in organizations in turbulent times

The challenge of creating value and positivity in organizations in turbulent times

Xavier Marcet, International innovation consultant (held on 15/12/2020)
Will social services withstand the emerging challenges due to Covid19?

Will social services withstand the emerging challenges due to Covid19?

Carles Alsinet, director of Social Innovation Catedra in UdL (held on 16/09/2020)
The future is already here: technology and big data in Social Services

The future is already here: technology and big data in Social Services

Toni Codina, CEO & co-founder of iSocial Foundation (held on 17/06/2020)