The future is already here: technology and big data in Social Services

Campus Conferences and public events

The future is already here: technology and big data in Social Services

Lecture by Toni Codina, CEO and co-founder of iSocial Foundation, in the Centre for Information in Social Services DIXIT of the Catalan Government.

We are at the beginning of the 4th industrial revolution, which bases the growth of innovation and development of Technology on the exploitation of massive data (Big data) through the convergence of various emerging technologies, including the Artificial Intelligence, who are able to take advantage of this information to generate new knowledge. Social Services cannot be left behind in this process of transformation and digitalization of all sectors of our society, and must know how to use this emerging force to improve services to people, and policies and programs that seek to eradicate poverty and decrease inequalities. Numerous examples show today that this path is possible and can bring many benefits to the Social Services sector: professionals, public authorities, social entities, people in need of support and care, and the whole society.

You can watch the full video of the lecture here, and the PDF presentation used by the speaker.

Supported by

Dixit Centre de Documentació de Serveis Socials

Conferències i debats

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