The Alba Group becomes the fourteenth member of iSocial

Publications News

The Alba Group becomes the fourteenth member of iSocial

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This September, the Alba Group approved its membership of the iSocial Foundation as a partner-collaborating organisation. With this new incorporation, there are now fourteen third-sector organisations that are members of iSocial, and it is the first time that a social organisation from the Lleida region has joined.

The Alba Group is currently made up of six entities: the Alba Association, the Qualia Leisure Cooperative, the Alba Jussà Cooperative, the Alba Futur Foundation, the Alba Sports Club and the company Alba Inserció. Its origins date back to 1975 in the city of Tàrrega, where it still has its headquarters today. The group’s social services currently benefit 3,891 people, mainly in the regions of Urgell, La Segarra and Pallars Jussà. It has 585 professionals, 79 of whom are people with disabilities, 495 members and 341 volunteers. The group’s services are very diversified, with programmes and activities in the areas of education, day care, mental health, employment, training, guidance, educational leisure and housing.



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Arranquen els tallers participatius de

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