iSocial presents in Bilbao the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

iSocial presents in Bilbao the report “Technological innovation and social services”.

On March 20, about 90 people have attended in the auditorium Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (BBF) of the University of Mondragon, in the Basque Country, a public event to present the report “Technological innovation and social services” prepared by the iSocial Foundation.
The event consisted of a welcome by the president of the iSocial Foundation, Montse Cervera; the presentation of the report by the director of the foundation, Toni Codina; a presentation by Ms. Nagore Ipiña, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, on “The person as the center of digitalization”; a round table on “Incorporation of technology in social services: challenges and difficulties”, by Mr. Sergio Murillo, Deputy of Social Action of Bizkaia, and Mr. Mikel Palazuelos, Head of the Social Care Area of NTT Data; and, finally, a joint conclusion by Ms. Sergio Murillo, Deputy of Social Action of Bizkaia, and Mr. Mikel Palazuelos, Head of the Social Care Area of NTT Data. Sergio Murillo, Deputy of Social Action of Bizkaia, and Mr. Mikel Palazuelos, Head of the Social Care Area of NTT Data; and, finally, a joint conclusion by Ms. Adriana Martínez, director of APTAS (Association for the Promotion of Social Technology), and Ms. Lucía Merino, coordinator of the Basque Observatory of the Third Social Sector.
At the end of the event, refreshments were served and all attendees received a bookmark that included a QR code to download the report “Technological Innovation and Social Services”.
Coinciding with the event, the iSocial Foundation also launched a language version of its website in Basque, at the domain.