Codi Colors, inclusive method for learning the piano

Publications Bank of innovations

Codi Colors, inclusive method for learning the piano

Codi Colors

Codi Colors, mètode inclusiu per a l’aprenentatge del piano

Innovative method of musical education designed for people with disabilities to learn to play the piano and enjoy making music. It allows them to feel fulfilled thanks to the practical results of the method, enabling them to play songs and pieces following a score based on basic musical concepts.

Codi Colors –in English, the Colour Code– works by associating each note with a colour. This simplified structure makes musical structures much easier to memorise and learn. It is put into practice through complete graphic and didactic material. Thus, it counts with a book for the student and a support book for teachers and families, in which the methodology and advice for its application are explained.

Both books consist of a repertoire of 57 traditional, popular and signature songs written with the code and accompanied by illustrations. The pieces –all of an accessible level– are arranged according to degree of difficulty and theme, mostly referring to the different seasons of the year. The scores are adapted to make them easier to understand: they are written in treble clef, without time signatures or values, and the size of the staves is large, among other things. In addition to the books, more specifically prepared teaching material –an adapted music booklet and coloured stickers– make it possible to implement the method, which can be perfectly combined with coloured instruments (bells, pipes, bells, horns, carillons, etc.).

Although Codi Colors is mainly aimed at pupils with very diverse special educational needs –physical, sensory, communication, intellectual, mental disorders–, it is not only for these groups. Thus, Codi Colors paves the way for making music and avoids the difficulty of conventional music reading for everyone. It is valid for the initial learning of music -for students at an early age-, for musical awareness and for musical language or instrument classes. In addition, the music learning system works for both group and individual lessons.

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