TEAL School, organizational transformation for the third sector of Andalusia

Promotion of a third social sector that become more efficient, competitive and sustainable, and more innovative in its intervention.
As part of an ambitious project led by the Andalusian Platform Enlace, we are collaborating in the process of designing and launching the new TEAL-Andalucía third sector manager training school. This new school of managers wants to contribute to promote the transformation of non-profit organizations and the Andalusian social economy, through new organizational models that put people at the center and moving towards organic, transversal and evolutionary processes of management, fullness and leadership. Its aim is to promote a more efficient, competitive, sustainable and innovative third sector in intervention, vision and purposes, and to become a key socio-economic agent in a context of transition to a care economy, generating employment and promoting the local economy.
The School of the third sector TEAL-Andalucía articulates on two pillars: the development of integral programs of education, learning and impact; and the creation of a community of practice. The focus is on fostering self-organization and knowledge appropriation, developing a methodology and platform that allows the flow of information and knowledge in a free, open and neutral way.
Its objectives are:
- To develop a leading, open, innovative teaching-learning model adapted to the needs of third sector entities, both in terms of management and intervention;
- Promote empowerment and awareness of change in organizations and provide them with the necessary tools to develop improvements in their competitiveness from an evolutionary point of view;
- Strengthen the structures, practices and processes to provide the entities with greater resilience, sustainability and solidity, creating a verifiable real transformation;
- Establish a closer connection with the ecosystem of Third Sector actors, generating shared knowledge, greater impact, trajectory and impact on learning.
The iSocial Foundation is part of an interdisciplinary team that also includes representatives of EDE Fundazioa, the Andalusian School of Social Economy, Leit Motiv and the Association for the Promotion of the Economy of the Common Good.

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