23 social entities have been trained to use Flapp! and Nidus

Publications News

23 social entities have been trained to use Flapp! and Nidus


The professionals come from entities in Catalonia and across the State

Flapp! and Nidus, the two virtual safes created by the iSocial Foundation in collaboration with Pere Claver Group, are consolidating with the training offered so far to 23 entities.

The two tools, aimed respectively at young people with emancipation needs and people in situations of homelessness, will be used by the professionals of these entities in their accompaniment tasks. Thanks to these applications, users will be able to store and share documents and photos in the cloud and contact their reference professionals more easily without needing to have their phone number.

A total of 223 social professionals have attended the training sessions, both online and in-person. Some of the entities come from Catalonia, such as Intress, Resilis, or the Pere Claver Group itself. Other organizations, however, come from other territories of the State, such as Castilla y León, Aragón, Balearic Islands, and Asturias.

These data show the interest generated by these tools, which today already have, between the two, 292 professionals and 368 users registered on the platform, as well as 114 services activated.

For their part, Flapp! and Nidus continue to grow to meet the needs of their users and have recently incorporated two new features: the chat and the alarm button, which aim to facilitate direct contact with their reference professionals, especially in emergency situations, ensuring the best attention and support.


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