Like the control surfaces of aircraft wings, FLAPP! it helps to fly, promotes interaction, and facilitates the exercise of full citizenship.


It is a remote digital support service for adolescents and young people 16 to 23 years old who are or have been in guardianship by public child protection systems, many of whom are or have been unaccompanied migrant minors. FLAPP! is accessible from smartphones and computers, offering to the adolescents and youngsters a kit of digital tools that facilitate their process of transition to adulthood, emancipation and inclusion in society.

At the same time FLAPP! facilitates the work of social workers, Public Authorities and NGO that give them support and accompaniment.

Taking into account that practically all adolescents and vulnerable youngsters between 16 and 23 that are attended by the childcare and protection systems or by other socio-educational organizations have a smartphone, FLAPP! takes advantage of the potential that digital technology offers today to innovate in the services and socio-educational resources made available to this group, providing a digital platform that contains a set of tools adapted to their reality and that of our society, which allow to offer solutions some of the difficulties experienced by these adolescents and young people in the various stages they go through, whether they have arrived from other countries or not, whether they are o have been un guardianship, or with other vulnerable profiles.

The FLAPP! digital toolkit has been codesigned in a participatory way with more than 120 adolescents and youngsters from different origins and situations, with educators and social workers from the public care and protection system, and with academic experts in the socio-educational, technological, ethical and legal aspects. Once the tools were developed, five in total, they have been experimented, evaluated and improved with the participation of these same adolescents and youngsters, with the accompaniment of educators and with the follow-up of external evaluators.

FLAPP! is in the process of being used by un increasing number of NGO and public services in Spain.

Lead by

Fundació iSocial


Fundació Idea
Sant Pere Claver
Universitat de Barcelona
Fundació R3silis
Punt de Referència

In collaboration with

Alba Jussà

Supported by

Obra Social la Caixa

Projectes d’innovació

Imatge d'una mà sostenint un mòbil on s'hi veu la Soliguia, una de les eines tecnològiques involucrades en el projecte Solidigital


Solidigital is a cross-border collaboration project centered around three technological tools to support people in vulnerable situations: Soliguia, Nidus, and Reconnect.
DigitaliSSB (Promotion of the Digitalization of the Basic Social Services of Catalonia)

DigitaliSSB (Promotion of the Digitalization of the Basic Social Services of Catalonia)

Project for the improvement and transformation of the management and social intervention models of the Basic Social Services of the local authorities of Catalonia.
Vincles Alt Pirineu-Aran

Vincles Alt Pirineu-Aran

Vincles Alt Pirineu-Aran is a project for early detection and social intervention in situations of loneliness of the elderly in the Alt Pirineu-Aran region.


FabLab community for the design and manufacture of functional adaptations for activities of daily living through 3D printing.


Aggregator of ICT tools at the service of inclusion and support for the autonomous life of people with intellectual disabilities


Digital toolkit at the service of the homeless people.