Lab Innovation projects


All By Myself is a research project on an agregator of ICT tools at the service of inclusion and support for the autonomous life of people with intellectual disabilities.


Project that is developing a global and intelligent software tool that adds the best ICT tools to the service of inclusion and support for the independent life of people with intellectual disabilities and/or mental illness, in order to empower them, to encourage their pro-activity and to facilitate their autonomy in all areas, especially in the framework of Independent Living programs, both for people who take the step to live alone and those who continue to live with the family. The project is born from the need expressed by people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness who use mobile phones with some ease to solve the dispersion of existing ICT tools and have a single tool that classifies, values and makes them easily accessible.

“All by myself” will offer a digitally inclusive, cognitively accessible, and easy-to-read tool for people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness and will facilitate improvements in inclusion in the community with the support of ICT solutions in such diverse fields. such as social and family relations, parental function, education, training, work, health, citizen and political participation, culture, leisure, sport or leisure activities. To achieve this, the ICT tools that the tool will add will facilitate knowledge, liaison, and participation in all those initiatives that provide services to make possible the Independent Living of people with intellectual disabilities or mental illness, with the additional advantage offered by the technology of overcoming borders and being able to link people with initiatives and solutions from other environments and countries.

Led by

Fundació iSocial


Fundació El Maresme Discapacitats
FCSD Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down

Supported by

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Drets Socials

Projectes d’innovació

NIDUS Mental Health

NIDUS Mental Health

NIDUS Mental Health is a pilot project aimed at adapting the Nidus app as a digital support tool for individuals with mental health disorders undergoing the process of deinstitutionalization.
Imatge d'una mà sostenint un mòbil on s'hi veu la Soliguia, una de les eines tecnològiques involucrades en el projecte Solidigital


Solidigital is a cross-border collaboration project centered around three technological tools to support people in vulnerable situations: Soliguia, Nidus, and Reconnect.
DigitaliSSB (Promotion of the Digitalization of the Basic Social Services of Catalonia)

DigitaliSSB (Promotion of the Digitalization of the Basic Social Services of Catalonia)

DigitaliSSB is a project based on the developement of digital tools for the improvement of management and social intervention of the Basic Social Services of the local institutions in Catalonia
Vincles Alt Pirineu-Aran

Vincles Alt Pirineu-Aran

Vincles Alt Pirineu-Aran is a project for early detection and social intervention in situations of loneliness of the elderly in the Alt Pirineu-Aran region.


Rehab-Lab.Cat is a project for the creation of a FabLabs network for the design and manufacture of functional adaptations for activities of daily living through 3D printing.