Debate “Communicate better to change the image of social services”

Campus Conferences and public events

Debate “Communicate better to change the image of social services”

Dialogue with Fernando Fantova, Mertixell Benedí and Natàlia Vila, moderated by Víctor Puig.

While the budgets dedicated to Social Services have not stopped growing in recent years, this investment effort is not always perceived and valued by society, the strengths of its work are scarcely known to the public and, even, Ancient stereotypes and visions survive that have little to do with what Social Services are today.

Other sectors of our society have managed to reverse similar situations. Innovation in Social Services is also to change the way of explaining and communicating to make its potential visible as an agent that contributes in a decisive way to social cohesion and the quality of life of people.

Open debate with:

  • Meritxell Benedí, General Director of Social Services of the Catalan Government
  • Natàlia Vila, especialist in social welfare issues at ARA newsletter
  • Fernando Fantova, basque expert in Social Services

Present and moderate: Víctor Puig, UPF communication professor, reputation management expert, director of Zinkdo Digital.

Supported by

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies
Diputació de Barcelona
Diari ARA

Conferències i debats

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