Los Servicios Sociales ante la inteligencia de grandes cantidades de datos (big data)

Publications Articles

Los Servicios Sociales ante la inteligencia de grandes cantidades de datos (big data)


Fernando Fantova, iSocial Foundation, 2020 March

“The intelligence of large amounts of data can be the coup de grace that ends up sending social services to the dump of history, or a powerful lever for transformation toward social services that many of us have dreamed of.”


Social Innovation to Prevent Gender Violence

Social Innovation to Prevent Gender Violence

During the year 2023, fifty-eight women and two minors died due to gender violence in Spain. How can we use social innovation to prevent and address this issue?
Robots for the treatment of children with ASD

Robots for the treatment of children with ASD

In recent years, the use of robots in the treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been brought to the table. What benefits does this type of therapy offer?
En aquest article, abordem propostes innovadores per combatre la soledat no desitjada

Innovative proposals to combat unwanted loneliness in the elderly

Unwanted loneliness is a problem that has a particularly relevant impact on the elderly population. How should it be addressed? What innovative tools can be promoted from social services to reverse this feeling?
Desinstitucionalización y vida en comunidad de las personas con discapacidad

Desinstitucionalización y vida en comunidad de las personas con discapacidad

Una nueva guía de las Naciones Unidas indica directrices precisas para la desinstitucionalización de las personas con discapacidad.