First meeting of the foundation’s Social Council

First meeting of the foundation’s Social Council

The first plenary meeting of the Social Council of the iSocial Foundation took place on September 27 at the Palau de les Heures in Barcelona.
In the meeting, the twenty members participants worked on a base document on what the foundation wants to be, say and make from now on. There were many contributions and very enriching in relation to the draft document presented by the Board of Trustees. The diversity of backgrounds and knowledge areas of the members of the Council allowed to project a variety of perspectives on the innovation challenges facing the Catalan social sector today. Among the conclusions of the meeting, we can emphasize the importance of placing Human Rights in the center, in front of the classic debate on social needs; make a hinge between the worlds of the research and the action; Promote stable and long-term research lines in partnership with universities; encourage co-creation between different professional sectors; Train managers and planners of the social sector to reduce resistance to change; innovate from the learning of mistakes and bad practices; etc. The result of the meeting will be reflected in a definitive document base, which will guide the activity of the iSocial Foundation from now on.