iSocial presents Vincles at the Caixaforum in Lleida

iSocial presents Vincles at the Caixaforum in Lleida

The initiative, which aims to combat unwanted loneliness, is part of the projects approved by Fundación La Caixa in the 2024 call
Last Friday, May 10th, we attended the Caixaforum in Lleida to present Vincles at the event for the projects approved by Fundación La Caixa in the province for the 2024 call.
Toni Codina, director of the iSocial Foundation, and Gemma Valeri, coordinator of the Vincles project, participated in the event, where a total of 18 social projects related to the areas of poverty and social inclusion, people with disabilities or mental disorders, the elderly, and social action were presented.
During our turn, Gemma Valeri explained the importance of the Vincles project, a pioneering program that combines technology with community intervention to detect, prevent, and address situations of unwanted loneliness among the elderly in Alt Pirineu and Aran.
Vincles is an initiative jointly driven by the Basic Social Services of the Comarcal Councils of Alt Pirineu and the Conselh Generau d’Aran, with the participation of the Private Foundation Integra Pirineus, ABD Association for Welfare and Development, the Alba Jussà Association, and IDAPA, and the collaboration of Fundación “la Caixa” and the Diputación de Lleida. It is based on the successful experience implemented in several municipalities in the Basque Country by Agintzari S. Coop., a member of iSocial, and GISLAN. On April 10th, we held the first project presentation in La Seu d’Urgell, with the presence of the different organizations and entities involved.
We thank Fundació La Caixa for their support and trust in helping to ensure this project has the broadest possible impact among the population affected by situations of unwanted loneliness.