ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences

Publications Bank of innovations

ShareAmi, intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences



Language exchange program through videoconferences between elderly people and young individuals living outside their country

During the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many elderly people found themselves isolated, while young refugees lost the opportunity to attend language meetings and classes that would facilitate their social integration and the learning of the host country’s language.

To address these two issues, the organization Oldyssey launched the ShareAmi project, a program that allows intergenerational language exchanges through videoconferences. On one hand, it helps young refugees better integrate into the new territory, and on the other, it combats the feeling of unwanted loneliness experienced by many elderly people. Additionally, the use of this tool also allows elderly people to improve their relationship with technology and, at the same time, reinforce their sense of usefulness in society.

ShareAmi operates through a volunteer system, in which volunteers contact both parties interested in the exchange and act as intermediaries. The meetings last for three months and are held weekly. To ensure follow-up, the mediator receives monthly feedback on the sessions. Once the scheduled time has passed, participants can decide whether to continue the video calls or end the exchange.

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