The Habitat3 Foundation becomes the 16th member organisation of iSocial

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The Habitat3 Foundation becomes the 16th member organisation of iSocial


It is the organization of the third sector referent in the management of social housing in Catalonia. It manages a park of nearly 1,000 social housing.

On July 11, the Board of Trustees of the iSocial Foundation approved the entry of the Habitat3 Foundation as the 16th member entity of iSocial . The Hàbitat3 Foundation is a social housing manager driven by the third sector that works with Social Entities and Public Administrations to guarantee the right to decent housing for people in vulnerable situations. Born in 2014 at the initiative of the Table of Entities of the Third Social Sector of Catalonia and 8 other federations and entities in the sector. In a few years it has become the reference institution for the management of social housing in Catalonia thanks to the impetus of networking and collaboration with public, social and private actors.

Hàbitat3 currently has a staff of 50 professionals, who manage a park of 923 homes where 2,610 people reside; 212 of these homes are owned by the foundation; 17 come from promotion; 509 are given by private owners; 96 are transferred by Public Administrations; 83 have a task of social support for residents; and 6 are only administered. The homes are distributed in 38 different Catalan municipalities, most of them in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, and 733 homes are linked to social housing programs of Public Administrations, mainly town councils; 144 are linked to social programs of third sector entities; and 46 to social programs of the Habitat3 foundation itself.

social and labor insertion companies , through which the foundation has carried out 604 rehabilitation works in housing between 2015 and 2022 , and attended to the last year 1,012 maintenance incidents.

The Habitat3 Foundation is constantly innovating to improve the social management of its housing stock, with initiatives such as the sensorization of homes to reduce energy poverty in families, or programs to reduce the digital gap of residents.

In recent years, the Hàbitat3 Foundation has received several awards that recognize its work: Gold Award from the World Habitat Awards 2019, AVS Award for the best performance of Administration and management of social housing stock and Accèssit AVS for the best Rehabilitation 2022 performance, European Finalist responsible Housing Award 2022, Fundación Correspondables Award 2021; Voice City Shakers Award Ashoka 2020; Casa Jové Award 2018; Barcelona-Lleida 2018 College of Estate Administrators Award ; Barcelona City Council Award for Good Social Practices 2017; Access to the social innovation of Fundació La Caixa 2017; u Prize of the 5th Immoscopia Forum 2016.

For more information you can consult its website and the Report of activities and social balance 2022


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