New Models of Social Housing Against Exclusion

Campus InnoBreaks

New Models of Social Housing Against Exclusion

Innobreak - Webinar d'innovació

Mixed Living (Netherlands) and Llar Casa Bloc (Catalonia). Held on Tuesday, 31st. October 2023.

Access to housing is a fundamental right as stated in Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but unfortunately, it remains far from effective for everyone. It is estimated that in Catalonia alone, 25,000 people are homeless, not counting those who can access housing only at great personal sacrifice and in extremely fragile situations.

In recent years, numerous initiatives have emerged to facilitate access to decent housing for the most vulnerable people, offering new alternatives to traditional social housing schemes. Some of these initiatives have been driven by the Third Sector, yielding remarkable results. In this InnoBreak, we present two initiatives moving in this direction, originating from the Netherlands and Catalonia:

  • Mixed Living: A project initiated by Tussenvorziening, managing mixed social housing apartments where homeless individuals and economically vulnerable people coexist. The project’s key idea is to expedite housing access for low-income individuals while simultaneously promoting destigmatization of homelessness and breaking the cycle of social isolation they often experience. To this end, the housing units managed by Mixed Living feature common areas for residents to encourage positive cohabitation and integration of both groups.
  • Llar Casa Bloc: Led by the Hàbitat3 Foundation, this network project involves government bodies and Third Sector entities. It focuses on the rehabilitation of the iconic social housing complex, Casa Bloc, built in Barcelona during the 1930s, during the Second Republic, to make them habitable. Currently, nearly forty individuals at risk of social exclusion, including those with mental health issues, addictions, homelessness, or those facing eviction, reside there. The residents receive support from social organizations and the Barcelona City Council, and the building is equipped with measures to address digital divide and energy poverty.


  • David de Goede, Mixed Living (Netherlands)
  • Lourdes Borrell, Llar Casa Bloc (Catalonia)

With the support of:

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Drets Socials


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