OKencasa, support for non-professional carers

Woman taking care of a dependent elderly man. Retrieved from OKencasa website.
Platform for the support aimed at non-professional carers caring a relative dependent at home. Through the Zaindoo app it offers permanent accompaniment from a care specialist, online training, tools for organizing care tasks, and discounts or advantages in services of physiotherapy, legal advice, home adaptation, etc. The aim is to improve the quality of life of the carers and to make their job easier, that is to say to look after the carers.
OKencasa periodically evaluates the physical, emotional and psychological well-being of the care-givers and, accordingly, offers them a personal plan of improvement and support that can be readjusted in time. The professionals in the service ensure that the caregiver is always accompanied and listened to with regard to the burden of their care tasks.
OKencasa also provides information to public social services so that they can provide better support for families and provide more efficient socio-sanitary care. The application is currently available in Euskera and Spanish.
Characteristics of innovation
Basque Country
Adin Berri, AFAGI (Alzheimer Gipuzkoa), Colegio Oficial de Farmacéuticos de Gipuzkoa, Nazaret, Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Gipuzkoa, Sumisan Ortopedia, Agaer Egge, gunea, Tabakalera, Universidad del País Vasco, Servicios Socio-Sanitarios IMQ Igurco, Asociación Gipuzkoana de diabetis, ASPARGI, MetaPosta, Zenta, OPE consultores, Nagusilan, Asociación de Daño Cerebral Adquirido de Gipuzkoa.
The platform was initially launched in 2018 by Iñigo Kortabitarte, as part of a clinical study conducted with 210 Donostia families who were caring for dependent relatives.
Level of implementation
The program is currently used by more than 1,000 non-professional carers from the Basque municipalities of Irun, Errenteria, Pasaia and Ataun, and aims to expand into other municipalities of Euskadi.
The methodology of OKencasa has been assessed by several universities and it has been shown that the accompanying offered to care-givers entails a reduction in the excessive burden of caring activities, avoiding the burn out of care-givers, an increase in self-effectiveness, a reduction in the time spent on care (an average of 9.56 hours a week) and a general improvement in the welfare of the caregiver.

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