We advise the City Council of St.Quirze del Vallès to become a Basic Area of Social Services

Publications News

We advise the City Council of St.Quirze del Vallès to become a Basic Area of Social Services


This week we have begun work to accompany the Social Services team of the City of Sant Quirze del Vallès in the process of becoming a Basic Area of ​​Social Services.

For six months we will advise the council and the professional team of Social Services of this municipality of the Vallès Occidental in the design and implementation of the new Basic Area, which will join the other 107 Basic Areas of Social Services already existing in Catalonia. In accordance with the Law of Social Services of Catalonia 12/2017, having exceeded 20,000 inhabitants Sant Quirze del Vallès must become a Basic Area, no longer depending as before on the Basic Area of ​​its County Council.

The new Basic Area of ​​Sant Quirze, in accordance with the provisions of the Social Services Act, must directly assume management powers (study of needs, action plans, management of centers and services …), collaboration (with the plans and programs of the Generalitat) and coordination (of local social services, professional teams, collaborating social entities …).

The task of iSocial during these six months will consist of making a diagnosis of the starting point, analyzing the social needs of the municipality and the strengths and weaknesses of the current service; define and establish in a participatory way with politicians, professionals and citizen entities the strategic and operational objectives of the new Area and a detailed action plan for the period 2021-2023; define the processes for their implementation, monitoring and evaluation; and design the most appropriate organizational and governance model to carry it out, while identifying the necessary tools taking into account the importance of being innovative tools and adapted to the current scenario of accelerated digital transformation of all areas and sectors of the our society.


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Arranquen els tallers participatius de

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