Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Publications Bank of innovations

Energy Control, a drug analysis service to reduce risks

Associació Benestar i Desenvolupament (ABD)

Energy Control

Drug analysis program that promotes responsible consumption

Energy Control is a project of the Association for Welfare and Development (ABD) that, among other services, sets up information points in drug consumption spaces, such as music festivals and nightclubs, to promote responsible and informed use and to offer a substance analysis service that ensures the safety of people who consume them in case of adulterated products.

The analysis results are obtained in less than five minutes. This allows for immediate advice on the actual composition of the substances. Moreover, the technique used is non-destructive and does not use reagents, which better reaches the population more reluctant to leave the substance at an analysis point.

The data obtained is inserted into the Energy Control database. Thus, practically all substances circulating at any given time can be identified, including adulterated or especially dangerous ones, and consumers can be alerted through their channels. The devices used in the analysis process are portable and can be easily moved to any space, so interventions can be carried out in usual consumption places.

The main objectives of this service are to contact drug users, inform about the composition of the substances the person wants to consume, advise on how to consume with less risk, monitor the market, detect trends, and alert interested parties in case adulterated products especially dangerous to health are circulating.

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