iSocial and CIM-UPC Participate in the Annual Rehab-Lab Network Meeting in Belgium

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iSocial and CIM-UPC Participate in the Annual Rehab-Lab Network Meeting in Belgium

Rehab-Lab meeting in Liège

A total of 55 entities from the Rehab-Lab network gathered in Liège to share their knowledge and experiences

Liège (Belgium) hosted the annual European meeting of the Rehab-Lab Network, focused on the design and 3D printing of personalized functional aids, on May 30 and 31.

About sixty participants from the 55 FabLabs within the network, spanning France, Belgium, Italy, Romania, and recently, Catalonia, attended. Representing Catalonia were Toni Codina, Director of the iSocial Foundation, and Felip Fenollosa, Research Director of the CIM Foundation at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). They represented the 2023-2025 project, funded by the Next Generation funds.

Over two days, participants shared their knowledge and experiences in designing and 3D printing customized plastic parts that help improve personal autonomy in daily activities for people with disabilities.

During the meeting, the Catalan representatives, attending for the first time, had the opportunity to present the project to the other European participants. Since 2023, this project has been implementing and expanding this innovative service in Catalonia to benefit people with disabilities.

Currently, Catalonia has its first two FabLabs for personalized functional aids, opened by the Ampans Foundation in Manresa and at the Guttmann Institute in Badalona. In 2024 and 2025, the iSocial Foundation plans to launch at least six more in various locations across Catalonia, in collaboration with disability sector organizations and with the support of other project partners: Avinent, CIM-UPC, Ampans, and Guttmann.

Additionally, the participants approved that the next annual meeting in 2025 will be held in Barcelona.


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