Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities

Morphic, technology that improves computer accessibility for people with disabilities
Raising the Floor

Application that allows computers to be adapted to the different needs of people with disabilities
According to the organization Raising the Floor, one in five people in the world has some form of disability. Only 19% of these people are employed, in contrast with 64% of people without disabilities. Regarding students, 20% have some form of disability.
Morphic is an application that improves the accessibility of computers for people with various types of disabilities. The platform allows one-click access to integrated accessibility functions through a customizable menu. Some of the program’s functions include changing text size, applying a magnifier to specific fragments, enabling text-to-speech, changing color contrast, or setting dark mode, among others.
Additionally, the “Assistive Technology (AT) on Demand” mode allows AT users to access their tools on any computer, regardless of whether the computers have them installed beforehand or not. The goal is to promote digital equity for people with various limitations. This functionality can be applied at home, work, library, school, etc. Different organizations and establishments can make AT appear automatically on any computer, and once the user has finished the session, it will disappear. All this in an efficient and simple manner.
Characteristics of innovation
Washington (USA)
Partners / Funders
Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center of the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Administration for Community Living of the United States, Health and Human Services, Trace Center (University of Maryland), Rehabilitation Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Education, Inclusive Design Research Center (IDRC) of the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD) University in Toronto, and the European Union, among others.
Morphic emerged in 2016 from the work of an international consortium of organizations led by Raising the Floor, the Trace Center at the University of Maryland, and the Inclusive Design Research Center at OCAD University, all focused on the universal design of information and communication technologies.
Currently, the non-profit organization Raising the Floor, founded in 2012, manages Morphic, from software development to community building, growth, and sustainability.
Level of implementation
Currently, Morphic operates on more than 10,000 computers at universities, libraries, community centers, rehabilitation programs, and workplaces in the USA and Canada, and recently received the Zero Project Award 2024. The initiative was chosen from 523 nominations from 97 countries for its pioneering innovation in improving computer access for people with various disabilities.

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