New tools for remote social services users monitoring

New tools for remote social services users monitoring

WACS (UK) and DigiContact (Netherlands): from chatbot to video conferencing.
Held on 2021, Friday October 22.
Online and With option of simultaneous English-Catalan translation.
The iSocial Foundation launched the Innobreaks activity, in which every two months we present in the form of a short webinar (1h30) a selection of local and international experiences of innovation in social services published in our Bank of innovations.
The Covid-19 crisis has transformed our societies and the way we communicate with each other. And the end of the pandemic is opening up interesting debates in social services about the possibility of complementing the traditional forms of communication with users, with new techniques and remote communication tools adopted during the pandemic.
That is why in this 1st Innobreak we introduced two successful examples of innovation in remote communication with social service users: the automated and mass call service WACS, from Hampshire (UK); and the Dutch service Digicontact, of remote follow-up by videoconference.
- Rianne Dekker. DigiContact (Netherlands)
- Nick Wake i Stuart Outtersid, WACS (England)
Full video of the Innobreak (recorded on 22/10/2021)
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