The iSocial team celebrates its first work meeting

Publications News

The iSocial team celebrates its first work meeting


The meeting took place at the Cal Muns building, managed by the Pere Claver Group, a partner entity of the foundation

The technical team of the iSocial Foundation gathered on February 13th at the entity’s first Team Day to better understand the new projects and new members of the Foundation, following the growth experienced in recent months.

Recently, new positions have been incorporated, such as the coordinator of European projects and the head of training and research, as well as new project management responsibilities. Currently, there are 16 people on the iSocial technical team.

In this meeting, the director of the Foundation, Toni Codina, and the president of the board, Montse Cervera, reviewed the origins of the organization and its values, the evolution since 2018, and outlined the roadmap to follow. The main initiatives carried out in previous years were also presented, such as the multilingual personal assistant for refugees, Welcome.

On the other hand, the different members of the team explained in more detail the tasks they carry out within the foundation and the projects in which they are participating. Among other things, the digitalization of Social Services with the DigitaliSSB project was discussed, as well as support for people in situations of vulnerability with Solidigital, and how to detect and intervene in cases of unwanted loneliness through the Vincles project. We also had the opportunity to experiment with the Flapp! and Nidus applications and see firsthand how they work.

It was a very inspiring day, which allowed the iSocial technical team to gain a deeper understanding of the work of our colleagues. In addition, we were able to share proposals and suggestions, as well as spend some time together.


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