Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Publications Bank of innovations

Virtual Metaverse to Improve Daily Skills of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón, Cooperativa Kairós

Metavers Plena Inclusión Aragón

Avatar that enables learning daily skills to enhance the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities

Plena Inclusión Aragón and Cooperativa Kairós have developed a “metaverse” that allows practicing and learning daily skills through an avatar, aiming for people with intellectual disabilities to improve their autonomy and social participation.

The metaverse includes eight dimensions, in the form of virtual doors, symbolizing the central areas of a quality life: emotional well-being, interpersonal relationships, material well-being, personal development, physical well-being, self-determination, social inclusion, and rights. Some of the virtual activities that can be performed through the avatar include exercising, meeting friends, or participating in community activities. The application presents challenges in different areas and offers virtual rewards, such as avatar customization, thereby using gamification to encourage a healthy and fulfilling life.

The tool not only benefits people with disabilities in making decisions, but also allows professionals working with them to better understand their feelings and personal needs, expressed through the avatars. The creation of the metaverse is part of the project “Mi Casa: una vida en comunidad”, a model of deinstitutionalized long-term care for people with intellectual disabilities.

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