GrausTIC Awards for social integration through ICT

Publications News

GrausTIC Awards for social integration through ICT


The GrausTIC Association and the iSocial Foundation award this prize annually as part of the “ICT Day of Catalonia”. The last edition was held on April 15, when the iSocial Foundation, in the hands of our director Toni Codina, presented the Award for social integration through ICT 2021 to Jordi Palouzié, director of information systems and telecommunications of the Pere Tarrés Foundation, for his “Help them grow” campaign.

The award is aimed at recognizing the company, organization or institution that during the calendar year from the previous Day to the present, has contributed most to the promotion of social integration by making accessible to all its products , services, projects or activities. Companies or institutions that have made real and visible efforts to incorporate design for everyone in their offer and interaction with people are valued. In short, how the Internet and new technologies can transform the way we communicate, buy, sell, and relate in a context of true social integration.

Any person, entity or institution interested in these awards may submit, within the established period, the persons, entities or companies it deems appropriate, by completing the form available on the website of the ICT Day of Catalonia.

Consult the program of the ICT Day of Catalonia.

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